For the Grace of God

Father, thank You for making me alive in Christ! I declare that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour, and because He died for me, I can live the abundant life here on earth. Help me stay focused on You this day & live with the enthusiasm that comes from knowing You in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Sunday, December 23, 2007


It is so strange that my Puter will not cooperate and present me with the pictures that I would like to take to The Valley tomorrow.
I press on and re-design the wheel...

Todays word...

persiflage \PUR-suh-flahzh\, noun:

Frivolous or bantering talk; a frivolous manner of treating any subject, whether serious or otherwise; light raillery.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Well hello there

My finical tastes have lead me astray down the garden path and I have met some of the most fantastic and amazing people ; folk who I would not ordinarily have met , however , there is nothing ordinary about my life.

\FIN-ih-kuhl\, adjective:

Extremely or unduly particular in standards or taste; fastidious; finicky.

Friday, December 21, 2007

It has been a while...

However , time waits for no man!
I have introduced to you , the madding crowd , Belinda , but alas , I have not yet posted her picture. Here she is! ; )

Monday, December 10, 2007

Well Hello...

...and how in the world are you all.
This is an urgent post as it behooves me to introduce the love of my life to you all.
This would be Belinda; she is vacationing with me right now (hot of the press) and I am traveling to her part of the world for Christmas.
I am at this moment unable to provide a photograph for one thing as it is beyond my limited resources to spiral one up at the instance, and also I would need her permission.

Anyway, onward and upward I say.
See you all later!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Its a hard rain...

....oh, it is not today!
The sun is shinning and all!
: ) I am so happy!!!!!
Coffee morning Evergreen with Granny, Me and B!
Back later

Monday, December 3, 2007

It is a hard rain!

Our Spring is beset with such a vicissitude; it is a very hard rain that is falling!

night all!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Last sleep

It is now already tomorrow and much awaits me!
Here is a quick update - I am inept and not a punctilious time keeper at all!
It irks me to be here still so I shall head off to the hills and find some gold.

incongruous \in-KONG-groo-us\, adjective:

1. Lacking in harmony, compatibility, or appropriateness.
2. Inconsistent with reason, logic, or common sense.

I feel so incongruous to be blogging at this extremely early hour when so much awaits me tomorrow!

See you all in the new day; I mean today is the new day and we shall get nowhere with that argument at all, at all.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The home stretch - indeed!

now for a subtle hint, a pic is on the way...
Now ain't that sweet!
The Strelitzia Afrikanus ( I think)
Well, it is a strelitzia.
Peace out

Oh, what a night!

This was one of the most amazing nights in my life!
I went to a party with Shaz-Mataz and met with, amongst others, Melany, Shane, Adele, Skye, Barry, Wally!
What a great bash we had and was there not a lot of 'partying' ?
It was an awesome evening and now all I need to do is try and of load my pictures from my camera. Not such an easy contingency *&^%()blah.
02:24 AM is the time now - max 30 minutes...
03:25 AM ok, so much for 30 minutes! And I am still no closer to publishing any new pictures as this god forsaken puter is being rather devilish!
Off to bed now - what a life I lead as I had a fantastic evening until this point and I feel all alone on this one as my Dad will castigate me for trying this so late and my 'puter genius' brother is not really providing me with any of his "extraordinary" genuis talent in helping me fix this 'small and insignificant problem. Not to mention all the hundreds of pics that seem to have been corrupted on my puter.
Oi vey!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Yo ho ho ho ho and Hee

Hic. Well welcome to today and may you have as festive a day as I am going to have!
I wish you all, "wind in your sails and fair waters upon which to travel"
Ek wietie wat ek vandag gaan doen nie???
In elk geval, my day is just getting better and better, in every way.
Oh Ja, just seven more sleeps till our great re-union!
I'll be back, Baby!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

What a marvelous day it will be starting now

Hello all you wonderful folk. The sun is shinning and the day is really getting going!
ADSL is hiding in the infinitesimal - oops and this posting has been incredibly delayed. I do not understand. This AM I must have typed the beginning and it is now 20:30. Back to the task.....
extirpate The Word For Today! - meaning??...To Pull Up By The Root!
flout - self explanetary really! (yesterday's word)
I am extirpating my ingenuity to flout the rules for gracious self-conduct and boldly go where no man has gone before, eh William, Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink, Say no more!

Monday, November 19, 2007

So sad, I am off to zzz

It is a fartled gruntbag and a fine way to say good night.
Sleep tight and mind tat the fleas do not bite!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Och Ai, I am reintroduced... the marvelous ingenuity of my brother in making sense of my puter!
Thank you brother!

I shall not be able to completely eloquate this entry so here goes in any case.

comport \kum-PORT\, transitive verb:

1. To conduct or behave (oneself) in a particular manner.
2. To be fitting; to accord; to agree -- usually followed by 'with'.

"Ach it is so comforting to comport my self here on my blog."

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Sat, 17 Nov 07, 22:15

Hello all you fair LandLubbers!
Avast you scurvy seadogs!
I am FESTIVE at present - I do so want the time to fly; also I do so await the Window to be open!
Well I shall whistle while I wait, as I do so believe that idle hands are the devils playground - not that I whistle with my hands, but you know what I mean!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Fri, 16 Nov 07, 22:10

Back and I am Bad!
I know that my literary strokes are losing out big time when I say that, however it is the truth!
aggrandize - to make great or greater; to enlarge; to increase
A quick entry to stimulate my mind!
The word of the day is something I am subscribed to and receive one every day!
I aggrandize my blog daily!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Wed, 14 Nov 07, way late

This fooking puter and it's ballbreakingly amazing software need some serious help.....

Now that I am back in action, I wanted to use the amazing literary quote, which I have mostly forgotten, and which I did poste, however that poste has disappeared into thin air!

The Clause is not 'cutting air' which refers to dancing, however that is not too shabby!
The fabulous phrase would be, 'I choose not to flaneur as I do not wish to waste time and achieve nothing!"

Hasta La Vista Babies!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Tue, 13 Nov 07, 22:07

Bonsoir and Goten Abend! I am indeed a polyplot and proud of it.
C'este magnefique!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Mon, 12 Nov 07, 22:00

I'm gonna get you Good!

I'm gonna get you Baby!
I'm gonna make it Good!

Shania Twain sings that number!

I'm digging it!
Life's Great!
Let's be careful out there!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Thu , 8 Nov 07 , 22:50

I am older than I once was and younger than I'll be!

A rose is a rose and smells just as sweet

Necessary truths to keep the mists at bay...

Thu , 07 Nov 2007 , very late

Actually it is like 08 Nov , but we won't tell anyone , sshhhssshhh!
Well off to bed I must go or I will be mega Grumpy Tomorrow - like I was not today!
AArrffff - if you know what I mean , nudge , nudge , wink , wink say no more!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tue, 6 Nov '07, 23:27

Beam me up Scotty - Klingons on the Starboard Beam !
I think I am adding more confusion to my life by mixing movies so to speak .
Och , it is a strange world that we live in , and it is getting stranger still !
I mean what got into me and why am I departing from the reasonable and even plane that I travel on ?
Well , tis late and I must be off to recharge my batteries.
Night now!
It is a long and hard road that I have been down and the end is not yet in sight!
Life's Good and it is definitely fantastic to have this blog to not only entertain myself , but to show the great life I lead and to make it available to you'all !

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sun, 4 Nov 07, 23:22

My tiresome NOT search for pictures to populate my blog has amounted to naught!
I press on...

Saturday, November 3, 2007

I am Back, Badly!

Read into that as you would like, it is after all your life! I am prattling a bit and as it is so late, shall be off to bed soon.
I am trying to import the pictures from my camera now, some of which to populate my blog with. I am not going to waste too much time if they do not work. C'este la vie! And my life is just doing fine, thank you for your concern. Off to check now - I'll be back, Baby! 22:36
22:55 Right, It was Manuel...
The bloody photo's do not want to work, so as slack as I am I am trying a third time...

Friday, November 2, 2007

Fri, 2 Nov 07, 18:00

I have just returned home (to ground zero) after a fantastic movie called 'Superbad'.
I really do not remember what it was about except that at the time of watching it was quite entertaining; I hate these moments...
Moving along, I shall try and post some more of my photographs to this here blog.

Fri, 2 Nov 07, 08:42

You pettifogging, two toed three
dimensional excuse for a breathing and easing living mollusc!
Well something like that - Life's Great ! I think that is one or two up from 'Good' !
Off to work and rehabilitation of plant material I must be to day.
a picture is required and I shall track one down!

What a bizarre picture

Fri, 2 Nov 07, 00:31

Hi and good night!
It has been an incredible day in Cape Town today
I went to my optometrist and a new lens will be made to replace the scratched one.
A great chat at TBIchat - an excellent way to conclude another beautiful day in Africa.
See you all later...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wed, 31 Oct 07, 23:05

Well this is Old Hallos Eve or Halloween if you are a pagan and I am not!
All saints Day is how the Church tried to transmogrify it.
Well now I did not get a word of the day today so I will have to make one up or rather go to bed early. Night Night.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tuesday, October 30 2007, 21:37

Festitudinous - Hungary to celebrate festivities!

I festitudinally would like to air my celebration of life (Life's Good) with those that count (in large amounts)!

Ain't she sweet..... now who sang that song and is he on first base? Let's call the whole thing off!

I went to MGC for lunch a while ago with my Dad and apparently I was not a happy chappy, but I am all good now! : )

I am firing on all four cylinders, just not always in the order that I would like!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Mon, 29 Oct 07, 22:45

Terminus - the end point, boundary or limit
It is indeed at the terminus of the day that I am most able to elucidate and defy the limits of my boundary!
That said I can continue to blog!
A picture becomes relevant...
Ok, Not too sheepish, however, needs work!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sun,28 Oct 07, 23:00

Och it is so late on my Saturday night and, as per usual, I have been completely distracted from doing this post by deleting and maintaining photographs off my computer to alleviate the ever and ongoing challenge of space!

Well I am back and, coincidentally, I am Bad!

Here's looking at you, kiddo!
Well be good you'all, I gotta go

Friday, October 26, 2007

Fri, 26 October 2007, 23:00

Have A Little Faith In Me!
I am back and I am good! A mo, a mas, a matt...or some such thing.
Vini, vidi, vici, I think.
'Hectic' - ah, this is so cool - Meatloaf is being discussed on the radio,
My way cool news is that I have my Travelling Wilburies DVD triple set back from Boetanza.
This is fantastic and as Meatloaf sings on the radio with Bonnie Rait (?) It is so cool!
I'll Be Back, Baby!.....23:04

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tue, 23 Oct 07, 10:11

Well how are you out there?
I am about to face another tough day in Africa!

Ok, I have actually been facing this day for quite a while, it is only getting better.
I am off in a moment to visit my Granny and enjoy a wonderful morning with her and some of the other wonderful people who share this beautiful planet with us.
Then there after, I will enjoy a sumptuous banquet of salad and vegetables to assist with my diet, whose main and only purpose is to lose weight.
It is of course, rather a bleak day in Cape Town. Well gotta shoot now, but I will be back, Baby! (10:18)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday, 21 October 2007, 18:15

It is a marvelous day in Cape Town (particularly if you are a CELL-C sub scriber)
Boetanza, Puter Genius of NOTE! Where are you and why is my Puter not acceding to my demands.
Yes I am getting a bit stropy, so I had best be off and get some Pan-Galactic Gargleblasters!
22:00 Right, well the gargle blasters did not do much, however, lunch was fine and this has , yet again, been a fine day in Africa!
With the exception that my Puter Guy did not spend anytime responding to my call for his help....well there is time tomorrow, and he seems to have put (or got working) a music player on my puter! Good Job!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thu, 18 Oct 07, 16:10

Ok, I was distracted and it is now 16:58 to be precise. Precision is one of many things that I need to accrue to my 'skill factor'. I am now not being precise as I have been terribly distracted (it is now 17:04)
Well, back to the drawing board!
I press on...
23:24 Just waiting for my pictures to download of my camera...
in the interim, it has been another tough day in Africa!
I visited my Physio-terrorist and had a great massage, got some new excersizes and enjoyed the heat she used on my tired old body.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wed, 17 Oct 07, 09:14

Hello Africa, tell me how're you doing?
I am, after a long period (maybe five days - maybe longer), feeling a lot better and 'more fit as a fiddle', you know what I mean - nudge, nudge, wink-wink say no more.
I would like to do more right now, however, I think there are more important things to do, like shifting my ass and getting ready for another 'hard day in Africa!'
But I'll be back, Baby!.....

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tue, 18 October 2007. 17:30

I am having a lot of fun with this blog; I am just trying to rearrange the text and the Pictures.
May the Force be With Me!
23:45 Back with a vengeance!
Have updated my blog with a lovely photo of B and Me.
It is so late in the evening that I do believe that I am going to retire; I have outstayed my welcome, if you know what I mean!
Today it has been a marvelous day in Cape Town - a real summers day!
I have yet to complete the uplifting of my story on the web, however, Rome wasn't built in a day....

Monday, October 15, 2007

Monday, 15 October 2007, 23:53

Back with w last some pictures of my trip away.
An aeroplane of the sort in which i journeyed, there and back Kalula, fly me to the moon!

Belinda, the lovely lady who invited me up north and east of Cape Town with Det, the minister in charge of the betrothal of a lovely couple.

A mad cow on the dairy farm of Noel and Priscilla. The cows were a real 'hoof' and are part of the whole deal. I stayed as a guest in the house, run by Priscilla as a Guest House. Noel has his hands tied with the running of the farm
which has both cows and citrus fruit.

Well bah hunbug, I am not now going to try to place these pictures in any sort of proper order yet, that will beattended to later. Now one last task to do..what was it...???, oh yes, replace the ine picture of belinda with a more regal picture!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sun, 14 Oct 07, 17:30

Back to the drawing board.
Just need to sort out some pictures from my camera
specifically how to load them without deleting them.
Hast La Vista, Baby
Fools rush in where Angel's fear to tread!
22:16 Here come some pictures...
Ok, this is the only one so far. The lady I love and who makes me whole, Belinda.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Fri, 12 Oct 07, 21:20

It is a cold night in Cape Town and I am retiring, unhurt and unrepentant of any lack of blogging.
An egregious manner, perhaps.
C'este La Vi...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Thu, 11 Oct '07, 11:30

Hi, The story is about to be posted; with pictures of the scenes.
I have had a wonderful trip to Port Elizabeth (PE), and met the most wonderful person! This feels a bit surreal, to be scribing (blogging) this experience, however it feels fantastic to shout to the world about a match made in heaven.
I am distracted now. 11:50 - I'll be back, Baby!
21:03 Right, talk to me. My puter genius Brother has given me full marks for my literary response to his demand (I say this in Jest) that I improve the linguistic level and demonstrate some true and witty meaning in my blog.
Here's looking at you kiddo! I am delaying going the photographic route as I am somewhat flustered by my incompetence in displaying these pics.
Back to the story - on 26 September 2007, I boarded a Kalula jet and flew to PE. The flight was hardly eventful (it felt like we were landing before we had taken off) and the pictures I took might help to rekindle the dramatic effect of leaving Cape Town and arriving in PE - later for that. I remember having a Cappuccino at the airport after arriving in PE. Prior to reverting to uploading my pics for reminding myself what to say about what I did in PE, I met and have fallen in love with one heck of an amazing lass. Amongst other things we did, some of which temporarily elude my memory, we visited the Addo Elephant Park, had an amazing meal at the beautiful restaurant whose name eludes me, shared fellowship with some amazing folk and best of all, celebrated the betrothal of some great friends; dancing the night away, I'll have you know.
21:30 Off to sort out some pics

Yes, Yes, Yes

I am back and I am Bad

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Languages of note

Hello again; here begineth the lesson;
I am tri-lingual - i will try any language!
Hello , Bonjour, Molo, Goeie-dag, Wier Getz?
C'este magnefique! Another glorious day draws to a close in Africa.
Ubomi bomnandi.
The lesson shall continue as soon as I have located my Bandana and taken a photograph of myself!

Monday, October 8, 2007

today while the blossoms.....

Well Good Morning Africa, tell me how're you doing!

I feel good, have had a fantastic night and am about to have another tough day in Africa : )
I love life - Life's Good

Friday, October 5, 2007

It is a wonderful day

Good day all of you!
The sun is shinning and it feels like a real spring day ;#)
I am loving the summery weather and trying my damndest to compose some great text. More about my fantastic trip to see Belinda shall come later.
What a gal, What a trip, What a vacation!
I will be back now now - a long weekend coming up for me and a joyous celebration of life! Later...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Hey, I am BACK

Howdy doodee?
Life's Great

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

is really trying my patience...

It is now Tuesday, 25 September 2007
The sun is shining in Newlands, Cape Town, :) and indeed it is a marvelous day.
Now let us russel up a pic
It is now 12:07
I am chatting with alanna and reble at the incredible chat room where I spend a significant part of my time

Monday, September 24, 2007

Well Hello And...

I am so confluxed by my photo's that should be on my puter!
Ja Well No Fine!
It is now only two more sleeps and I will be jetting off to PE and then drifting off into the valley!
How superb - bloody marvelous I tell you!
I will be off line for about a week, take many photo's, really miss Cape Town, however, get to know Belinda's Home in the Valley.
Well before I bore my self, I had better be off and prepare myself for another gruelling day in Africa - Later....
Oh, I had better include the time of this entry as that is another thing that 'my state of disrepair' cannot yet comprehend about the time-keeping on this puter.
11:05, Monday 24 September 2007
It is now Tuesday, 25 September 2007 and there is one more sleep to go - YAHOO!
The Time is 20:58 as we speak and I am off now to do something else.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Party time tonight...

It is a birthday party of note to celebrate the Birthday of a great friend.
Skye is the lady in perspect and what a girl she is.
A picture shall of course follow, the party's got to happen first.
The time is now 18:55, my lift is running slightly late, I am in the know, Life's Good!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

This is the first day of the rest...

...of your life.
It's my life (DR ALBAN)
I look so trim!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


...this is the only road I know!!!!
Yebo Yes. Black is beautiful as is short hair, even if it is balding....
Trev, this flocking thing is pissing me off no end - I mean three blue-toed sloths and all!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Nothing ventured...

...nothing gained!
Ain't that the truth. Yes sir'ee Bob!
Be back later..much..

Sunday, September 16, 2007

ok ok ok ok ok

It is a little bit awkward when you have forgotten what your previous post was about as it seemed quite revealing, however, it is escaping my moment of lucidity.
Oh well, as it is from a few days ago, it is not current and as is the case, lost from my small little insight! Ooh-la-la! I press on...
My fantastic liberated mind is telling me that it is fantastic to have the ability and know-how to blog my life-story as it happens - it is OK to forget - and it does not really change the incredible frustration that is 'Building Up - It's Building Up!'

It is released, the liberation is fantastic! I have had a truly fantastic weekend! Friday I went out to one of our 'townships' and was really helping to build a house for a couple. I met and engaged a new acquaintance in some serious conversation and a genuine friendship. Simon, who is an Austrian Citizen of German extraction, is a real gem of a person. It is not everyone who has the privilege to meet with someone of his character. I am truly honoured to have met him.

Back to my blog, it is a pretty cold night and I shall be off to bed soon. I am so drawn to this liberation of my soul and must add that it is now 10 more sleeps till I depart Cape Town International Airport for PE. Tomorrow it will be single figures till I am in PE, meeting with Belinda, Noel & Priscilla. Ek is in my skik.
Night night.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Life's Good

I am excited to be alive.
I have a great plan today; missed my trip to Church this AM as I saw a great movie with my brother, the indubitable Mahlaka-hlaka, Trev. I am therefore going to go this PM!
A bit of planning is needed as I am expecting a call from B.
I have a marvelous plan which involves great assistance and a few phone calls.
Be On Guard!
Your country needs guards!
That is indeed, what I am!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Up and about so early...

Hi all of you travellers. I woke up bright and early and feel neither the need or the urge to go back to sleep. OK I do feel the need to curl up again, however, having spoken to 'my people' I decided to post to my blog as well as do some chatting
So here I am and cannot think of what to say. I shall therefore, say nothing, chat some more and then retire again!
Later 06:00--

Friday, September 7, 2007

Good Golly Gosh

What a marvelous day it has been in Cape Town.
My Day started with a wonderful presentation at the Kirstenbosch Gardens CBC. The presentation was most enjoyable and the company was fantastic.
I recently, as the time does march on so quickly, spoke to B-Angel and my day ended fantastically with that musical sound in my ears.
What a life I lead, too busy to waste time and still having a most unfortunate creek in my left jaw when I yawn. Speaking of which, it is well past my new bed time, (23:40) being the current time

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Spring is in the air!

Well I never, there is a certain 'spring about my step'
Ain't life beautiful; at the point of no return; it feels like spring is in the air.
Oh I am unquestionably in a poetic mood.
However, I guess I too have to relax, get some shuteye, and welcome dawns fresh , springy embrace!
See you all later - not forgetting the fantastic sign-off line - up, up, and away.......

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

It is miserable today

We are supposed to be in the spring of the year; however, with all this rain it does appear as if Spring got left behind!
Pressing on, Kirstenbosch is done and dusted; now for some serious work on the SACS '87 classes reunion!
While we wait, lunch shall be consumed.
Well a wonderful posting to the SACS OBU office has been made and it is up to their geisha to post the pics and the story.
A brief insert as it is late and I have other things to do. What a great day in Africa

Monday, September 3, 2007

What a marvelous...

...night for a moon dance
Well spring is finally in the air. It is better late than never!
Spring has sprung, the grass has riz......
In my brief entry, It is great to point out that I am 'free-standing'.
I feel no nervous pain and my rehabilitation is going along fantastically.
Life's Good! Come on summer! See you on the morrow...

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Spring is in the air

Spring has Sprung, The Grass has Ris! I wonder where the birdies is?
That time of year has come to pass and we are rolling in a dreary end of winter!
Far too cold, not enough sun and there fore no sun-tan
16:57 well what a marvelous day it has been so far.
I have lost my cool - not my temper though - walked out of lunch at that marvelous restaurant that serves number one Pasta in C^2, and am now plotting the fall of planet Zog!!
OK, Planet Zog is, like much of my mind?, a figment of my imagination. The Die has been rolled - I do believe that that eatery at MGC - that is code for MGC - yes, I can see that explains it all!
I am not , of course, plotting the fall of Planet Zog. Although mayhaps I shall never work there, it shall be a fantastic venture!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

It's the only road I know

I feel so much thinner and sleeker and far more healthy than ever before :)
These sweets that I have to suck now to combat the bruxism, brought on by the life-saving medication that I take, are somewhat icky. They are very easy to crunch (bad idea) and do not last as long as the Mint Imperials (contra my diet) that I found to be quiet useful, tasty and long lasting!
Well I digress, so much for my eloquence! What is new in my life? Well the diet of course - a big new thing which I do intend to follow! It is also very cold in Cape Town now; Oh, it is winter still and not at all pleasant when the heater does not have any oil. The Captain of this ship prefers to keep it that way - "Oil is so expensive Neil"
Och ai, and I am supposed to be happy. Oops gotta go make a very important call - see you all later.

Diet Day

Diet Day starts today!
(yesterday was dietician visit)
So from weighing a voluptuous 94 kg, we is going to lose some weight.
We won't mention that last year the Hippety-Hip-Ops played a detrimental part in my not gymming!
However it has become an incessant need on my part to fine down my body!
Catch you on the up and up :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Dietus Maximus

A serious diet starts to day.
Total fat reduction, in line with my medication!
I weigh an 'obescene' 94 kg, or there abouts.
Gotta go now, however, I will be back!

Monday, August 27, 2007

What an evening!

Which I will record as I have all my faculties about me (well at least I believe so)
This a quick text input as I have so much to do!
I am on the up-and-up :) and it is quite daunting.
I had an awesome weekend and was 'shack-attacked'
The Shack is an awesome place, great memories and certainly many more future opportunities!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Fantastic rain storm.

Thunder balls and Lightening, very ,very frightening indeed!
The rain is pissing down, which is good as our plants need lots of water.
The Damns are full I think , but more rain is always better.
Time out for me
See ya round the bend!

fantastiuc rain storm.

Friday, August 24, 2007


Is a very long wall in the United Kingdom, and a long remaining symbol of the Roman occupation of Great Britain.
I have been there and even stood on the wall - an awesome example of masonry if ever I have seen one!
Just saw a neat film on TV about a race-horse, 'Sea Biscuit'. What a mighty fine film it was - kept me busy for a wee while.
Saw Natasha and Aunty Marel at K'bosch today.
The most significant thing today was that I collected my T-shirt from Rob in Plumstead. It is an awesome shirt! White with black print.
Also awesome was that Cathy phoned me and did really make my day!Two other awesome things happened, 1. a Freshly Ground song about 'pot-belied pigs' and 2. a pot belied pig at Rob's place, where I fetched my t-shirt.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I am back...

I have had a wonderful evening at my cell group. It is so fantastic, Life's Good, ek is in my skik!
Natasha, it is an honour to know you!
Merci mon ami. Zeut alohrs!
Indeed to goodness - I am getting carried away - it is such an ALIEN feeling!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

It is great to be ALIVE!

Life's Good! A marvelous evening has been had at my sister and brothers house in Plumstead. A marvelous meal, great company and a marvelous tone of discussion.
Of considerable importance is that on Saturday is a great clash which may be witnessed by all! Wynberg is gracing the presence of my Alma Mater, SACS. I will be watching the rugby and supporting my Alma Mater beating the pants off Wynberg.
Of note is the forthcoming SACS Old Boys Dinner, Tuesday 11, SEPTEMBER!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Today I say goodbye...

...To the uncomfortable pain I have had the iniquitous honour to have born for four and a half years :{>
Colours fading into darkness, there I saw the man!
Oh what a BONUS.
A day of great joy!
Now I sincerely hope that I can post unlimited amounts of carefully composed literature, to fill the gap as it were. Later for all that...

Monday, August 13, 2007

Another Day in Africa

At the Warehouse and mimicking life!
What is the answer to the question 'What is the meaning of life?'
If your answer comes close to 42, you are on the right track!
Or so Zaphod Beeblebrox would have you believe.
Ouch! That would be ET's addition.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

What a great day in Africa it is

The 'puter professor is finally Linuxising our house!
Dad's puter is now a Linux Base Station of Note!
As for the other puter thing, we have closed the window (he he he he he)

As for the rest, we will leave it to your imagination.

It is a lovely day in Africa and we are going to be Mugged @ C^2!
I have also, just this AM, got my copy of Christ Church Centenary, an account of our church centred community.
I shall see you all later (he he he he - lol)

Thursday, August 9, 2007

What a day in Africa

Today was exceptional, so I am retiring exceptionally late!
See on the other side of midnight.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

"indeed to goodness"

Hello you lot of space cadets!
I am back at Evergreen for coffee mornings and Life's Good!
I was with 'the usual gang' at Evergreen and a fine cuppa joe was consumed.
It makes me feel alive to be there!
Pressing on, I have so much {too much:( to catch up here - oh where do I start?}
Start at the beginning...on I strive...later

Friday, August 3, 2007

Fiesta, a verbal trough of ....

...absolute nothingness.
Am I a poet? Neigh, more like a rusty old horse with a cantankerous rider who feels a bit like a fartled gruntbag!

Those were the days my friend...

It's late in the evening, and I've really blown those crowds away.

Monday, July 30, 2007


This is somewhat overdue, however, better late than never.
I am merely going to text the picture - pics will come later.
We had the most awesome time re-meeting each other after some twenty odd years of separation, however, it all seemed like yesterday.
OOPS - ONE crucial piece of info - DATE OF 28 JULY 2007
There were about 44 old boys and one of our teachers. A fine feast was consumed and plenty of chit-chat. I guess it was quite an exclusive gathering at the finest venue; The Wild Fig Restaurant in Observatory, Cape Town.
There shall, indeed, be a great number of photo's published addresses swapped and circumspect information (in our high speed information age) circulated.
The question, "Who killed Cock Robin?" comes to mind. "It wasn't me, Wasn't me" contributes Slim Shady.
Pressing on, keep your eyes peeled.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Howdy doodee???

There is a purpose to my entry here!
Whoo boy, I have, of course, forgotten; nay, I am keeping track of my development.
Well today was another extraordinary day in Africa, I just have not much relevant to blog. I am of course looking forward to 'Bizzy B' in September; my school reunion on Saturday, 28 July 2007; and in between, I am sure that I will find something good to do! In the meantime, I shall just bide my time, retire for bed and wake up in the morning :)
LG - Life's Good, wow that is a fine way to see things! :)

Saturday, July 21, 2007

It feels like a 'googled frontbag' kind a day

I do not know what that means, however, I am sure it can be googled - pan-galactic gargleblaster comes to mind...

Yes, and now it has got brighter - lol
Text, text,text, text - my middle name is not really Anthony!

And I am off to prep dinner! Later then....

22:19 Hello, my colour is not with it. Och alright then, a wee bit better.
It has been a fantastic day - may the road rise to meet you, may the winds be at your back....
Peace Out

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What a day I have had

I was really confused about whether I was Arthur or Martha!
Too much 'incomplete' information resulted in a minor 'polar meltdown'
Bottom line is I am taking on too much responsibility for my action (or lack there of) and Life's Good! :)
Now that I have simmered down and pulled myself towards myself, I can contemplate the Universe and Everything.
Back to the edge I go...Wow it is really good here!
Aah, some pictures would, indeed, be of fantastic value here before I lose my place!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Hey Hey Hey, it is Sunday

Back on the planet mars, it is getting really quite hot!
Day care centres and night schools.
Sent two meaning, hypnotised.
Great music that I am listening to.
Handle me with care
I am in the mood to add some beautiful poetry to this blog, however I am not much of a poet. It is always a good day in my life and I shall write some poetry.
I am who I am, not too much can change that
I have a certain will, and that is not too bad
I am, indeed, a prattler, Life is Good,
I shall add some more later...
Getting back to buzziness now, I am really looking forward to some dates in the future; Sat 21 July:great outing and lunch with (oh-oh cannot mention names); Sat 28: 20 year School Reunion - no names no packdrill; Mon 30 July:PE - here I come to see 'Bizzy B' - an event of great note, say no more, say no more.
Look out, here I come!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Wazzup doc?

Wazzup is that I am listening to The Travelling Wilburys.
It is way cool and a well requisitioned CD/DVD resource.

I have also spoken to B and sorted out my calender so as to deconfuse things!
Life's Good!!!!

As this is a textual rendition of my fantastic ability to record great news, there will be no pictures posted right now.
Great Good Golly Gosh, this Travelling Wilburies is fantastic music!

Ek is in my skik!
My gelled hair ain't seen nothing yet!
Come on end this month and August!
Wowee, a holiday has been a long time coming and The Cape is The Cape. I am so looking forward to Monday, 30 July and the first week of August - watch out PE!

'I let you down, I let you go...'
Gosh this is fine music.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

It is still cold....

Great Jehoshaphat, I am hotter than a piano down a mineshaft.
OK, that would just be noisy! It feels like (backed up by aural accompaniments) that we have a phenomenally cold south easter blowing.
I am off to speak to mister sleep and shall greet the dawn in the AM.
Good Golly Gosh.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

It is very cold here!

Heeeellllooooo, wowee it is cold. Pressing on, I am full of news, information and excitement! It is just a pity that I am not sure if I can record it all - memory plays phantomlike tricks on me.
Speaking of which, the Phantom Pain is holding off today - it is a mystery to me. Whoever coined the term 'phantom pain"? I am bearing up under the pressure and looking forward to life in general - it is always good that way (chuckle).
The best thing that I did today was that I cleared out two boxes of rubbish from my past. Worst is that I am not going with Boetanza to see a movie - he is going to see UB40 at the Bellville Vellodrome.
I am updating my website with some textual entries about my life!
I continue; I suppress my frustration and boldly go where no man has gone before, one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind! Well that is what he should have said. If I could correct all the wrongdoings of everyone.....

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Good day mate!

I have been egregiously entering the date in my postes and Do not believe it is necessary. I shall, indeed, following my Puter System Engineer's advise and merely allow the date to be added to my postes by the internet - magic!
Today has been a rather marvelous day of events and circumstances that I cannot remember - I shall just wing it. I am trying to get my typing more natural (ie not looking at the keyboard as I type - rather a tricky matter! Practice, Practice, Practice!
OK, that is going well so far. What I did today is that I went to Christ Church with my Dad in the morning! What a beautiful experience! We had lunch at JB Rivers in Cavendish Square! Bill and Trev did a fantastic job of getting the last stuff from 17 Oban Road (my house - in the middle of the street! - sold to Janet & Bill)

These two bizarre shots are unrelated except by my ability to shoot them. Actually they are. The one is a candle thingy and the other is a wine bottle, taken last night at an outreach! Oh yes, I outreached the bottle for it's fine contents (schweet)

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Thursday, July 05 2007, 23:35

Greetings my fellow earthlings - I come in pieces of eight - ha ha ha ahe he!
Well I have not mush to textually enter, so I shall just find a photo.

Thursday, July 05 2007, 23:35

Greetings my fellow earthlings - I come in pieces of eight - ha ha ha ahe he!
Well I have not mush to textually enter, so I shall just find a photo.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Tuesday, July 03 2007

Hello and good morning to all you folks.
Who knows what the day will bring forth?
I am listening to an Ella Fitzgerald CD - way cool music!

21:30-ish listening to Janis Joplin - way cool, I hasten to add.
Reminds me of being in a far distant land, listening to the lap of waves and the sound "oh Lord, won't you buy me, a mercedes benz...'

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Saturday, June 30 2007, 21:21

What a marvelous night for a MOONDANCE!
My 'Boetie Makhulu', sister and three nephews will be departing from the house in the bright AM. Returning to the megacity of Johannesburg and their burglarized home.
Ag man, dis lekker in die nuwe Suid Afrika!
Ndifuna ukuthetha isiXhosa ngoku. Ngenene!
Je voule parler Francais maintenent.
Met eish - ne.
Right, now pulling myself towards myself, this entry shall be completed.
Live Long and Prospur!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Friday, June 29 2007, 23:54

Here are some shots for today and a short piece of quirky prose!
Tonight is as tranquil as a snowball down a deep shaft of an unknown mine, who knows where :)
Peace be with all and goodness and mercy shall surely follow.
Now, just prior to tbichatting, i shall upload and re-mail myself some photo's before i post them - all a rather tedious affair. Be back later.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Thursday, 28 June 07, 22:50

Here comes another one.....
Trev thinks I sit on my fat ass too much and am molly-coddled!
Well, is that supposed to be motivating?
Is that supposed to make me feel good?
Do I feel better? Am I inspired?
Should I be reaching new heights?
Oh, they are so 'Wuthering'!
Now that that is off my chest, lets find a photo for today, as I do not feel to inspired to prose some art!
We had a wonderful meal at Humilheights.
Great company with much ado about nothing.
I am inspired by my Boetiepakhathis' thoughts - well impressed - idiotic?
Is there meaning in his meanderings about my position?
Perhaps I am too defeatist and not furthering my cause.
Oh Me Oh My.............

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tuesday, June 26 2007, 22:55

Here are some fine pictures of my fantastic Master of Windows brother and my nephew. Come on VISTA!
We had a marvelous dinner this evening. Pizza, wine and fantastic family.
Basta la Pasta!
More writing of fantastic prose shall follow when my brain changes voltage and moves into a more uplifted way of thinking.
I always have an excuse, says my Puter genius.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Monday, June 25 2007, 06:32

Goooood MORNING Vietnaam.
Not often am l up this early, however, it is a big day today!
Off to gym with my Dad!
What a way to start the day and a perfect way to start the week!
Ek is in my skik!
Well back to my website needs some serious attention!
So I shall work on it a bit.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunday, June 24 2007, 17:45

Howdy Parteners!
You know and all, it is a lovely time to add to my blog with some of my fantastical prose.
'Oh you fartled gruntbag!'
Oops, that sounds like The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast Of Traal - if you know what I mean.
Moving right along...I shall, indeed, ask the question "What is the meaning of Life?"
That is, indeed, the question! 'Whether 'tis nobler to bear the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune; or, by opposing, end them?"
Tsk Tsk. I ain't a poet! Where do you go to my lovely, when you're alone in your bed? Tell me the thoughts that surround you, I want to get inside your head!

Moving right along, I shall go off and feed on a fartled gruntbag!
I will be back later.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Saturday, 23 June 2007, 12:00

I am a Polar Bear!
Was in the water at Clifton 4th Beach, for approximately 30 minutes.
Amongst others who were brave enough (or foolish enough) to brave the cold water were in no particular order Bill & Jan,Sal & Martin, Trevor, Janet, The Duke meister & Helena & 2 sproggs, Warren and so many more that temporarily elude my mind.
It was a great event and thoroughly enjoyed.
I shall be back!!!
21:37 Et Tu Brute?
Yes, can you believe it? Well I am no feeble old possum - I am good for the challenge.
Just been chatting and have received good grounding in the ability that I have to lose some weight. Also going to bed early, so poste haste, I shall finish this entry and be bed bound.
Old Friends - sit on the park bench.... from a Simon & Garfunkel song.
I have of course forgotten what else i was going to scribe here, so I shall just be off to dreamland. I shall, indeed, be back tomorrow.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Friday, June 22 2007, 21:42

Och hello then you lot! It is late in the evening and I am about to retire. The Big Cold Swim is on tomorrow morning and as cold as the water is, I had best get lots of sleep.
Us Polar Bears are not affeared of the chilly water - and you can't touch me!
I do, however, need a good nights rest so am off to bed soon as I have posted this hyper-allergenic (?) article.
OK, it is not hyper-allergenic - I just wanted to use the phrase. I am on a mission to increase my word-power and type more interesting and creative entries on this BLOG.
It's late in the evening, I really blew that crowd away.....
Till after the COLD SWIM
May the road come up and meet your face

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Thursday, 21 June 2007, 22:30

Great Balls of Thundering Typhoons!
I am making this a text entry at the moment as I am not going to spend time looking for a good photo to publish.
I have a bit of a head cold and I do not feel 'up to it!'
Blistering Barnacles! It is indeed, up to me to put my foot down and get my puter re-Windowed.
It is through the apathy of others that things remain the same.
I refuse to lie down and will, indeed, awaken the 'Bete Noir'
Just remember you guys, let's be careful out there.
Be alert (your country needs lerts)
Well wuth all my multi-tasking, it is now 23:00 and I am off to bed.
C u all later

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Tue, 19 Jun 07, 10:50

This is becoming tedious, however I shall press on...
I have had a fantastic day 2 day!.
I visited my Granny @ Evergreen, chatted with one of her caregivers, went to visit my Gran. B4 this happened I had lunch with my Dad at Mug & Bean, Cavendish Square.
What a tough day in Africa. Saw my Aunt Lushy at Granny Beryl's.
I shall be back....

Tue, 19 Jun 07, 10:50

Good day to you all.
This is a particularly important posting as I am sharing this with fellow chatters.

a big thank you (TY) to chitlens for his guidance last night to tbihome

alien, reble, rjb, rusty - fellow chatters this AM (my time)
Life's Good
This blog has, indeed, provided me with much upliftment and great, well filled time.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Monday. 18 Junw 2007, 08:50

I am having a serious brain-fart I cannot get google to do my pictures for this posting

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Sun, 17 Jun 07, 23:57

here we go Linux rocks, NOT

Sun,17 Jun 07, 22:00

I am back with a vengeance and have, indeed, researched the word 'happenstance'. A random event combining the two words 'happening' and 'circumstance'
Alls good in the land of alien's, derhalwe, alles is net n bietjie versmoor. Boetanza, kom partytjie toe, asseblief. Am I so heavy that you cannot abide my meandering mind?
Oh, pictures let's go find some

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Fri, 15 June 2007, late

Here are some historical shots from Thursday.
Life is too short to wonder where all the time flies too - sit back and enjoy the ride.
A long time ago, many, many years back...
That line needed to be added, and for what reason I am not too sure. It just felt right!
I do believe that I have a few arbitrary pics which will be added in this post - for happenstance sake (?)
A song comes to mind, oops, lost it. Not my mind, the song.
I still am waiting, in vain as it were, for Microsoft Vista.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thu, 14 Jun 07, 22:00

Thamela - Die Son Trek Water
Is that not the truth?
An if-ish day today as I cannot remember much

The truth is there is nothing significant to remember that comes to mind and if I ponder this subject then I might become upset!
Here is a super shot of my new mouthguard that I got yesterday.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Wed, 13 Jun 07, 23:00

Here sre todays shots.
My brand new and ready for action mouth-guard.
Sweet, ain't it?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tue, 12 June 2007, 17:40

Just had an ethereal and exponentially beautiful lunch with Amy @ the Vineyard Hotel.
It was a completely real and awesome experience; one that will be remembered always.
I AM BACK WITH A VENGEANCE - always a child of africa - AS JULUKA SINGS
I have had enough of linux and as well intentioned as my brother is, enough is enough. It has been a great bit of learning I have been put through; however, enough is enough! Come back Windows, Vista, or whateva?

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sun, June 10, 2007

What a day. Always wanted to post a note with that entry!
Good Goly Gosh, it is 23:15. No bling-bling, sings Johnny Clegg.
A couple of pics of the transferation of my house to Jan & Bill.
A good - nay great move, bye 17 Oban Road.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Fri, 8 Jun 07, 22:01

What a super day it has been in Cape Town. Started off with a visit of expiditious service at the K'bosch Research Centre with CREW. an immense amount of water has, indeed, fallen on Cape Town today; and with good emphasis and to good advantage of all the greenery and plant life.

My nerve rather than my ability disadvantaged me slightly as I do not have an up to date photo to poste; I shall refer back in my journey and publish the fantastic shot of Theresa, taken at Louis and Theresa's home in Constantia. A fantastic evening was had; fine food, company and fantastic beverage.