For the Grace of God

Father, thank You for making me alive in Christ! I declare that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour, and because He died for me, I can live the abundant life here on earth. Help me stay focused on You this day & live with the enthusiasm that comes from knowing You in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Last sleep

It is now already tomorrow and much awaits me!
Here is a quick update - I am inept and not a punctilious time keeper at all!
It irks me to be here still so I shall head off to the hills and find some gold.

incongruous \in-KONG-groo-us\, adjective:

1. Lacking in harmony, compatibility, or appropriateness.
2. Inconsistent with reason, logic, or common sense.

I feel so incongruous to be blogging at this extremely early hour when so much awaits me tomorrow!

See you all in the new day; I mean today is the new day and we shall get nowhere with that argument at all, at all.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The home stretch - indeed!

now for a subtle hint, a pic is on the way...
Now ain't that sweet!
The Strelitzia Afrikanus ( I think)
Well, it is a strelitzia.
Peace out

Oh, what a night!

This was one of the most amazing nights in my life!
I went to a party with Shaz-Mataz and met with, amongst others, Melany, Shane, Adele, Skye, Barry, Wally!
What a great bash we had and was there not a lot of 'partying' ?
It was an awesome evening and now all I need to do is try and of load my pictures from my camera. Not such an easy contingency *&^%()blah.
02:24 AM is the time now - max 30 minutes...
03:25 AM ok, so much for 30 minutes! And I am still no closer to publishing any new pictures as this god forsaken puter is being rather devilish!
Off to bed now - what a life I lead as I had a fantastic evening until this point and I feel all alone on this one as my Dad will castigate me for trying this so late and my 'puter genius' brother is not really providing me with any of his "extraordinary" genuis talent in helping me fix this 'small and insignificant problem. Not to mention all the hundreds of pics that seem to have been corrupted on my puter.
Oi vey!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Yo ho ho ho ho and Hee

Hic. Well welcome to today and may you have as festive a day as I am going to have!
I wish you all, "wind in your sails and fair waters upon which to travel"
Ek wietie wat ek vandag gaan doen nie???
In elk geval, my day is just getting better and better, in every way.
Oh Ja, just seven more sleeps till our great re-union!
I'll be back, Baby!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

What a marvelous day it will be starting now

Hello all you wonderful folk. The sun is shinning and the day is really getting going!
ADSL is hiding in the infinitesimal - oops and this posting has been incredibly delayed. I do not understand. This AM I must have typed the beginning and it is now 20:30. Back to the task.....
extirpate The Word For Today! - meaning??...To Pull Up By The Root!
flout - self explanetary really! (yesterday's word)
I am extirpating my ingenuity to flout the rules for gracious self-conduct and boldly go where no man has gone before, eh William, Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink, Say no more!

Monday, November 19, 2007

So sad, I am off to zzz

It is a fartled gruntbag and a fine way to say good night.
Sleep tight and mind tat the fleas do not bite!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Och Ai, I am reintroduced... the marvelous ingenuity of my brother in making sense of my puter!
Thank you brother!

I shall not be able to completely eloquate this entry so here goes in any case.

comport \kum-PORT\, transitive verb:

1. To conduct or behave (oneself) in a particular manner.
2. To be fitting; to accord; to agree -- usually followed by 'with'.

"Ach it is so comforting to comport my self here on my blog."

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Sat, 17 Nov 07, 22:15

Hello all you fair LandLubbers!
Avast you scurvy seadogs!
I am FESTIVE at present - I do so want the time to fly; also I do so await the Window to be open!
Well I shall whistle while I wait, as I do so believe that idle hands are the devils playground - not that I whistle with my hands, but you know what I mean!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Fri, 16 Nov 07, 22:10

Back and I am Bad!
I know that my literary strokes are losing out big time when I say that, however it is the truth!
aggrandize - to make great or greater; to enlarge; to increase
A quick entry to stimulate my mind!
The word of the day is something I am subscribed to and receive one every day!
I aggrandize my blog daily!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Wed, 14 Nov 07, way late

This fooking puter and it's ballbreakingly amazing software need some serious help.....

Now that I am back in action, I wanted to use the amazing literary quote, which I have mostly forgotten, and which I did poste, however that poste has disappeared into thin air!

The Clause is not 'cutting air' which refers to dancing, however that is not too shabby!
The fabulous phrase would be, 'I choose not to flaneur as I do not wish to waste time and achieve nothing!"

Hasta La Vista Babies!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Tue, 13 Nov 07, 22:07

Bonsoir and Goten Abend! I am indeed a polyplot and proud of it.
C'este magnefique!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Mon, 12 Nov 07, 22:00

I'm gonna get you Good!

I'm gonna get you Baby!
I'm gonna make it Good!

Shania Twain sings that number!

I'm digging it!
Life's Great!
Let's be careful out there!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Thu , 8 Nov 07 , 22:50

I am older than I once was and younger than I'll be!

A rose is a rose and smells just as sweet

Necessary truths to keep the mists at bay...

Thu , 07 Nov 2007 , very late

Actually it is like 08 Nov , but we won't tell anyone , sshhhssshhh!
Well off to bed I must go or I will be mega Grumpy Tomorrow - like I was not today!
AArrffff - if you know what I mean , nudge , nudge , wink , wink say no more!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tue, 6 Nov '07, 23:27

Beam me up Scotty - Klingons on the Starboard Beam !
I think I am adding more confusion to my life by mixing movies so to speak .
Och , it is a strange world that we live in , and it is getting stranger still !
I mean what got into me and why am I departing from the reasonable and even plane that I travel on ?
Well , tis late and I must be off to recharge my batteries.
Night now!
It is a long and hard road that I have been down and the end is not yet in sight!
Life's Good and it is definitely fantastic to have this blog to not only entertain myself , but to show the great life I lead and to make it available to you'all !

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sun, 4 Nov 07, 23:22

My tiresome NOT search for pictures to populate my blog has amounted to naught!
I press on...

Saturday, November 3, 2007

I am Back, Badly!

Read into that as you would like, it is after all your life! I am prattling a bit and as it is so late, shall be off to bed soon.
I am trying to import the pictures from my camera now, some of which to populate my blog with. I am not going to waste too much time if they do not work. C'este la vie! And my life is just doing fine, thank you for your concern. Off to check now - I'll be back, Baby! 22:36
22:55 Right, It was Manuel...
The bloody photo's do not want to work, so as slack as I am I am trying a third time...

Friday, November 2, 2007

Fri, 2 Nov 07, 18:00

I have just returned home (to ground zero) after a fantastic movie called 'Superbad'.
I really do not remember what it was about except that at the time of watching it was quite entertaining; I hate these moments...
Moving along, I shall try and post some more of my photographs to this here blog.

Fri, 2 Nov 07, 08:42

You pettifogging, two toed three
dimensional excuse for a breathing and easing living mollusc!
Well something like that - Life's Great ! I think that is one or two up from 'Good' !
Off to work and rehabilitation of plant material I must be to day.
a picture is required and I shall track one down!

What a bizarre picture

Fri, 2 Nov 07, 00:31

Hi and good night!
It has been an incredible day in Cape Town today
I went to my optometrist and a new lens will be made to replace the scratched one.
A great chat at TBIchat - an excellent way to conclude another beautiful day in Africa.
See you all later...