For the Grace of God

Father, thank You for making me alive in Christ! I declare that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour, and because He died for me, I can live the abundant life here on earth. Help me stay focused on You this day & live with the enthusiasm that comes from knowing You in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wed, 31 Oct 07, 23:05

Well this is Old Hallos Eve or Halloween if you are a pagan and I am not!
All saints Day is how the Church tried to transmogrify it.
Well now I did not get a word of the day today so I will have to make one up or rather go to bed early. Night Night.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tuesday, October 30 2007, 21:37

Festitudinous - Hungary to celebrate festivities!

I festitudinally would like to air my celebration of life (Life's Good) with those that count (in large amounts)!

Ain't she sweet..... now who sang that song and is he on first base? Let's call the whole thing off!

I went to MGC for lunch a while ago with my Dad and apparently I was not a happy chappy, but I am all good now! : )

I am firing on all four cylinders, just not always in the order that I would like!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Mon, 29 Oct 07, 22:45

Terminus - the end point, boundary or limit
It is indeed at the terminus of the day that I am most able to elucidate and defy the limits of my boundary!
That said I can continue to blog!
A picture becomes relevant...
Ok, Not too sheepish, however, needs work!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sun,28 Oct 07, 23:00

Och it is so late on my Saturday night and, as per usual, I have been completely distracted from doing this post by deleting and maintaining photographs off my computer to alleviate the ever and ongoing challenge of space!

Well I am back and, coincidentally, I am Bad!

Here's looking at you, kiddo!
Well be good you'all, I gotta go

Friday, October 26, 2007

Fri, 26 October 2007, 23:00

Have A Little Faith In Me!
I am back and I am good! A mo, a mas, a matt...or some such thing.
Vini, vidi, vici, I think.
'Hectic' - ah, this is so cool - Meatloaf is being discussed on the radio,
My way cool news is that I have my Travelling Wilburies DVD triple set back from Boetanza.
This is fantastic and as Meatloaf sings on the radio with Bonnie Rait (?) It is so cool!
I'll Be Back, Baby!.....23:04

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tue, 23 Oct 07, 10:11

Well how are you out there?
I am about to face another tough day in Africa!

Ok, I have actually been facing this day for quite a while, it is only getting better.
I am off in a moment to visit my Granny and enjoy a wonderful morning with her and some of the other wonderful people who share this beautiful planet with us.
Then there after, I will enjoy a sumptuous banquet of salad and vegetables to assist with my diet, whose main and only purpose is to lose weight.
It is of course, rather a bleak day in Cape Town. Well gotta shoot now, but I will be back, Baby! (10:18)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday, 21 October 2007, 18:15

It is a marvelous day in Cape Town (particularly if you are a CELL-C sub scriber)
Boetanza, Puter Genius of NOTE! Where are you and why is my Puter not acceding to my demands.
Yes I am getting a bit stropy, so I had best be off and get some Pan-Galactic Gargleblasters!
22:00 Right, well the gargle blasters did not do much, however, lunch was fine and this has , yet again, been a fine day in Africa!
With the exception that my Puter Guy did not spend anytime responding to my call for his help....well there is time tomorrow, and he seems to have put (or got working) a music player on my puter! Good Job!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thu, 18 Oct 07, 16:10

Ok, I was distracted and it is now 16:58 to be precise. Precision is one of many things that I need to accrue to my 'skill factor'. I am now not being precise as I have been terribly distracted (it is now 17:04)
Well, back to the drawing board!
I press on...
23:24 Just waiting for my pictures to download of my camera...
in the interim, it has been another tough day in Africa!
I visited my Physio-terrorist and had a great massage, got some new excersizes and enjoyed the heat she used on my tired old body.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wed, 17 Oct 07, 09:14

Hello Africa, tell me how're you doing?
I am, after a long period (maybe five days - maybe longer), feeling a lot better and 'more fit as a fiddle', you know what I mean - nudge, nudge, wink-wink say no more.
I would like to do more right now, however, I think there are more important things to do, like shifting my ass and getting ready for another 'hard day in Africa!'
But I'll be back, Baby!.....

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tue, 18 October 2007. 17:30

I am having a lot of fun with this blog; I am just trying to rearrange the text and the Pictures.
May the Force be With Me!
23:45 Back with a vengeance!
Have updated my blog with a lovely photo of B and Me.
It is so late in the evening that I do believe that I am going to retire; I have outstayed my welcome, if you know what I mean!
Today it has been a marvelous day in Cape Town - a real summers day!
I have yet to complete the uplifting of my story on the web, however, Rome wasn't built in a day....

Monday, October 15, 2007

Monday, 15 October 2007, 23:53

Back with w last some pictures of my trip away.
An aeroplane of the sort in which i journeyed, there and back Kalula, fly me to the moon!

Belinda, the lovely lady who invited me up north and east of Cape Town with Det, the minister in charge of the betrothal of a lovely couple.

A mad cow on the dairy farm of Noel and Priscilla. The cows were a real 'hoof' and are part of the whole deal. I stayed as a guest in the house, run by Priscilla as a Guest House. Noel has his hands tied with the running of the farm
which has both cows and citrus fruit.

Well bah hunbug, I am not now going to try to place these pictures in any sort of proper order yet, that will beattended to later. Now one last task to do..what was it...???, oh yes, replace the ine picture of belinda with a more regal picture!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sun, 14 Oct 07, 17:30

Back to the drawing board.
Just need to sort out some pictures from my camera
specifically how to load them without deleting them.
Hast La Vista, Baby
Fools rush in where Angel's fear to tread!
22:16 Here come some pictures...
Ok, this is the only one so far. The lady I love and who makes me whole, Belinda.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Fri, 12 Oct 07, 21:20

It is a cold night in Cape Town and I am retiring, unhurt and unrepentant of any lack of blogging.
An egregious manner, perhaps.
C'este La Vi...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Thu, 11 Oct '07, 11:30

Hi, The story is about to be posted; with pictures of the scenes.
I have had a wonderful trip to Port Elizabeth (PE), and met the most wonderful person! This feels a bit surreal, to be scribing (blogging) this experience, however it feels fantastic to shout to the world about a match made in heaven.
I am distracted now. 11:50 - I'll be back, Baby!
21:03 Right, talk to me. My puter genius Brother has given me full marks for my literary response to his demand (I say this in Jest) that I improve the linguistic level and demonstrate some true and witty meaning in my blog.
Here's looking at you kiddo! I am delaying going the photographic route as I am somewhat flustered by my incompetence in displaying these pics.
Back to the story - on 26 September 2007, I boarded a Kalula jet and flew to PE. The flight was hardly eventful (it felt like we were landing before we had taken off) and the pictures I took might help to rekindle the dramatic effect of leaving Cape Town and arriving in PE - later for that. I remember having a Cappuccino at the airport after arriving in PE. Prior to reverting to uploading my pics for reminding myself what to say about what I did in PE, I met and have fallen in love with one heck of an amazing lass. Amongst other things we did, some of which temporarily elude my memory, we visited the Addo Elephant Park, had an amazing meal at the beautiful restaurant whose name eludes me, shared fellowship with some amazing folk and best of all, celebrated the betrothal of some great friends; dancing the night away, I'll have you know.
21:30 Off to sort out some pics

Yes, Yes, Yes

I am back and I am Bad

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Languages of note

Hello again; here begineth the lesson;
I am tri-lingual - i will try any language!
Hello , Bonjour, Molo, Goeie-dag, Wier Getz?
C'este magnefique! Another glorious day draws to a close in Africa.
Ubomi bomnandi.
The lesson shall continue as soon as I have located my Bandana and taken a photograph of myself!

Monday, October 8, 2007

today while the blossoms.....

Well Good Morning Africa, tell me how're you doing!

I feel good, have had a fantastic night and am about to have another tough day in Africa : )
I love life - Life's Good

Friday, October 5, 2007

It is a wonderful day

Good day all of you!
The sun is shinning and it feels like a real spring day ;#)
I am loving the summery weather and trying my damndest to compose some great text. More about my fantastic trip to see Belinda shall come later.
What a gal, What a trip, What a vacation!
I will be back now now - a long weekend coming up for me and a joyous celebration of life! Later...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Hey, I am BACK

Howdy doodee?
Life's Great