For the Grace of God

Father, thank You for making me alive in Christ! I declare that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour, and because He died for me, I can live the abundant life here on earth. Help me stay focused on You this day & live with the enthusiasm that comes from knowing You in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Friday, November 18, 2011

23:31-Late Again!

omnibus \OM-nuh-buhs\, noun:

1. A volume of reprinted works of a single author or of works related in interest or theme.
2. A bus.

1. Pertaining to, including, or dealing with numerous objects or items at once.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Great WESSA meets Little Old Me!

bibliophage \BIB-lee-uh-feyj\, noun:

An ardent reader; a bookworm.

I live and dream of reaching this status!

Monday, November 14, 2011


One day less and I shall be with my B.

fascicle \FAS-i-kuhl\, noun:

1. A section of a book or set of books published in installments as separate pamphlets or volumes.
2. A small bundle, tight cluster, or the like.
3. Botany. A close cluster, as of flowers or leaves.
4. Anatomy. A small bundle of nerve or muscle fibers.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

What did I just say?

It is now the 13th, very appropriate is you live at No. 13

lyard \LAHY-erd\, adjective:

Streaked or spotted with gray or white.

I remember streaking across the yard; not a spot of grey or white !

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Not such an insignificant day, however, not as significant (someone please tell me why?) as yesterday.

8 more individual sleeps...

rankle \RANG-kuhl\, verb:

1. To cause keen irritation or bitter resentment in.
2. To continue to cause keen irritation or bitter resentment within the mind; fester; be painful.

My mind rankles not at the thought of one less sleep...

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Significant Date!


I do not know why, however, it is a significant number.

Leptospermum Home Page › Gardens
Introduction, horticultural notes and photos of the Australian genus Leptospermum.

Word of the Day for Friday, November 11, 2011

zeal \zeel\, noun:

Fervor for a person, cause, or object; eager desire or endeavor; enthusiastic diligence; ardor.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What a great school!

That it is, indeed!

10:11 Word of the day has not appeared, yet.
22:38 OK, The Word of the Day has arrived, and they say, "Better late than never!"

pansophy \PAN-suh-fee\, noun:

Universal wisdom or knowledge.

And my Universe has expanded, exponentially; it seems like pansophy!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Aword for today!

What a day...Cell Group at the Colliers...and B Falls Inteligently!

\keyf\, noun:

1. A state of drowsy contentment
2. Also, keef. a substance, especially a smoking preparation of hemp leaves, used to produce this state.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

And I thought someone had gassed us...

...and it was just the cows.

plebiscite \PLEB-uh-sahyt\, noun:

1. A direct vote of the qualified voters of a state in regard to some important public question.
2. The vote by which the people of a political unit determine autonomy or affiliation with another country.

Why do I think of my brother?
Nay, 'twas not I, Caesar!

And as 'plebian' as I might be, my Right arm is still in a state of bruise from my White Blood Donation on Friday of last week. Traumatic does not even come close! :+)

Monday, November 7, 2011

What a day today was!

Thanks for the Grace of the Day - The Skye is the limit!

\KAN-ee\, adjective:

1. Careful; cautious; prudent.
2. Astute; shrewd; knowing; sagacious.
3. Skilled; expert.
4. Frugal; thrifty.
5. Scot. A. Safe to deal with, invest in, or work at (usually used with a negative). B. Gentle; careful; steady. C. Snug; cozy; comfortable. D. Pleasing; attractive. E. Archaic. Having supernatural or occult powers.

1. In a canny manner.
2. Scot. Carefully; cautiously.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Blah Blah day! So read about White Blood Cells.
White Blood Cells

White blood cells (WBCs), or leukocytes, are a part of the immune system and help our bodies fight infection. They circulate in the blood so that they can be transported to an area where an infection has developed. In a normal adult body there are 4,000 to 10,000 (average 7,000) WBCs per microliter of blood. When the number of WBCs in your blood increases, this is a sign of an infection somewhere in your body.

Here are the six main types of WBCs and the average percentage of each type in the blood:

  • Neutrophils - 58 percent
  • Eosinophils - 2 percent
  • Basophils - 1 percent
  • Bands - 3 percent
  • Monocytes - 4 percent
  • Lymphocytes - 4 percent

    Fookm the alignment has gone out....

    junket \JUHNG-kit\, noun:

    1. A trip, usually by an official or legislative committee, paid out of public funds and ostensibly to obtain information.
    2. A sweet, custardlike food of flavored milk curdled with rennet.
    3. A pleasure excursion, as a picnic or outing.

    1. To go on a junket.
    2. To entertain; feast; regale.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


What happened to my last post today?...

quean \kween\, noun:

1. An overly forward, impudent woman; shrew; hussy.
2. A prostitute.
3. British Dialect. A girl or young woman, especially a robust one.

C'este la Vie

22:41 And Frack it, it is mighty intreging t have the indformatrion that I have

Friday, November 4, 2011

What a day...

prehensible \pri-HEN-suh-buhl\, adjective:

Able to be seized or grasped.

Yes, and my behaviour is not reprehensible!

And I donated a whole lot of my time to WPBTS, and forgot to read about Fracking in the Journal...what a fracking waste of my energy...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Late in the evening...

CITO, I must, I must...

obscurantism \uhb-SKYOORr-uhn-tiz-uhm\, noun:

1. Opposition to the increase and spread of knowledge.
2. Deliberate obscurity or evasion of clarity.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I'll give you something!

aioli \ahy-OH-lee\, noun:

A sauce made of oil and eggs, usually flavored with garlic, from the Provence region of France.

Not my usual cup of tea; a lovely bit of sauce for the straight lad!
Ole, ole!!!

(mpôr-tn-t, -ty-)

n. pl. im·por·tun·i·ties
1. An importunate request; an insistent or pressing demand.
2. The quality of being importunate.

A late breaking word to lend some importance to this post...ha, ha, ha...

...and the time is now 01:15 Wednesday 02 Movember...
Late to Bed, long day tomorrow, big things to be done...Year end for Brainwaves and religious cell group meeting at the Colliers! To say that I am coasting through life is an understatement of note, however, it is all through choices that I have made...I am very believing and understanding of my religious walk with God! However, I am told that Karate is a 'devilish' eastern practise and there fore should not be entertained! I am most perturbed! Oh me oh my, where am I being led and by whom; I shall have to ask at the Connect group!

I go to bed with the start of my Movember Moustache - Tom Selleck, eat your heart out!