For the Grace of God

Father, thank You for making me alive in Christ! I declare that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour, and because He died for me, I can live the abundant life here on earth. Help me stay focused on You this day & live with the enthusiasm that comes from knowing You in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Friday, January 25, 2008

freddie the leaf

fell to the ground...
even the greatest oak tree was once a small nut - perseverance and determination gave us an oak.
My website is not as yet growing , however i press on...
bye for now

Sunday, January 20, 2008

hey dudes

What a show at KirstenBosch ; Watershed is a cool band!

hey dudes

What a show at KirstenBosch ; Watershed is a cool band!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

When the bell tolls...

...a great book , I think !

I am in such a state of angst , Adelle has inspired me to be more real on line so that I can give more of the real me . THIS BLOG IS NOT GOING TO CONTINUE . I have greater things to do , places to go , people to meet....
The list goes on so without further ado , an ending to the blog that started with good intention...

\uhp-BRAYD\, transitive verb:

To scold or criticize harshly.

I should have taken the upbraiding of Boetanza more seriously and more to heart.

I sometimes think too much and want too much , more than the Million bicycles in Beijing , thanks Katie Mehlua .

Monday, January 14, 2008


Mine is not yet hopping today and , needless to say , so I won't .
So where was I , Oh yes , Home alone after not being motivated to do some swim Gym At Virgin - well I am not so my serotonin will be home gymmed.
I guess I am not a Virgin - how does one know ?

Sunday, January 13, 2008

am I good or what

Good for nothing , fast asleep (not) and I do not even wear Prada!

\SUP-luh-kayt\, intransitive verb:

1. To make a humble and earnest petition; to pray humbly.
2. To seek or ask for humbly and earnestly.
3. To make a humble petition to; to beseech.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

raillery \RAY-luh-ree\, noun:

1. Good-humored banter or teasing.
2. An instance of good-humored teasing; a jest.

This is the way it should be , like I was not feeling too good today until the railery on KFM did me a world of good hahahaha
sien jou later

Friday, January 11, 2008

Oh woe is me... is no good going to bed before I get up , or rather getting up before I have gone to bed !

Although this is yesterdays word , it is quite appropriate !

remonstrate \rih-MAHN-strayt; REH-mun-strayt\, intransitive verb:

1. To present and urge reasons in opposition to an act, measure, or any course of proceedings -- usually used with 'with'.
2. To say or plead in protest, opposition, or reproof.

Nudge , nudge , wink , wink , say no more.

Night all

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Missed the dreaded midnight hour

However , my word for today is Indefatigable : incapable of being tired , untiring
Not true , of course , however I am still up
I should be wenting to bed so good night all.

Now I am ponderiong what the heck I was gonna wright . Oh me oh my - having a terrifying short term memory is terrible - I was looking for some Leo Buscaglia work earlier - man he is great.
Hasta la vista

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

sheesh kebab...after a tough and late...

...struggle , I seem to have got my beast under control.
The bad side is that it is now very late , like 00:16 , and i am now off to bed.
Fortune favours the brave , or so they say.
Night all

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Hello my flock

Thundering typhoons and blistering barnacles.
Life is lekker kaktus.
My brain is so tired of all the kaktus that I get dished up that ek strip nou my moer an gaan nou-nou bed toe
How bizarre , I have neglegted to remember my word for today and am so gatvol op die oomblik that I am just going to plutz
Night all
and do not be alarmed
my depression is merely self flagelation
God I an good at that.
bye now

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Ello , ello , ello!

This fantastic hypersensitive and cooperative linux puter system had done ir again - flunked my brain out and I cannot even see and record in the wonderfull open=office the moviess that i would likt to send to Boetanza
Oi Vey
bye for now and thanks for the fish.

lacuna \luh-KYOO-nuh\, noun;
plural lacunae \luh-KYOO-nee\ or lacunas::

1. A blank space; a missing part; a gap.
2. (Biology) A small opening, depression, or cavity in an anatomical structure.

This sounds something like 'Hacuna Matata' ; mind the lacuna on British Rail Subways in London and any other cities - worldwide - that utilize this means of transport.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Hello. I am Back And I Am Bad!

Well I have not changed too much, I am just now however, more committed to my new life and doing the good things that I do. And Doing Them Well!
I have had an amazing holiday with Belinda in The Valley, about an hours drive out of PE.
More will follow todays word

arcanum \ar-KAY-nuhm\, noun;
plural arcana \-nuh\:

1. A secret; a mystery.
2. Specialized or mysterious knowledge, language, or information that is not accessible to the average person (generally used in the plural).