For the Grace of God

Father, thank You for making me alive in Christ! I declare that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour, and because He died for me, I can live the abundant life here on earth. Help me stay focused on You this day & live with the enthusiasm that comes from knowing You in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Thia is possibly my last wayward post to this blog for this month; mind you, I am only leaving on the 3rd April, so there is a chance that, until about then, I will have other things occupying my platter!
Aha, and my word of the day is nowhere to be seen, so there you go!
On second thoughts and things, here it is!

Word of the Day for Monday, March 2, 2009

sanguine \SANG-gwin\, adjective, noun;
Also used as a noun, red iron-oxide crayon used in making drawings:

1. cheerfully optimistic, hopeful, or confident
2. reddish; ruddy
3. (in old physiology) having blood as the predominating humor and consequently being ruddy-faced, cheerful, etc.
4. blood-red; red
5. Heraldry. a reddish-purple tincture.
6. a red iron-oxide crayon used in making drawings

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