For the Grace of God

Father, thank You for making me alive in Christ! I declare that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour, and because He died for me, I can live the abundant life here on earth. Help me stay focused on You this day & live with the enthusiasm that comes from knowing You in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

 And I say Yes, I am your Yes Man!

Could this have been Herbie, 53?
The Love Bug


  • WTF,

I don't know why this thing does what it does at the most inappropriate times; but then again, what does it matter - I got the time!  

Longanimity - seems strange?  -- then again, quite normal for me!






: a disposition to bear injuries patiently : forbearance

Did You Know?

Longanimity is a word with a long history. It came to English in the 15th century from the Late Latin adjective longanimis, meaning "patient" or "long-suffering." Longanimis, in turn, derives from the Latin combination of longus ("long") and animus ("soul"). Longus is related to English's long and is itself an ancestor to several other English words, including longevity ("long life"), elongate ("to make longer"), and prolong ("to lengthen in time"). Now used somewhat infrequently in English, longanimity stresses the character of one who, like the figure of Job in the Bible, endures prolonged suffering with extreme patience.

August 2020 Words of the Day Quiz

  • illustrated beach scene
  • Which is a synonym of risible?


The fans continue to show their longanimity by coming back year after year to cheer on the perpetually losing team.

"Most of the conspirators were gentlemen in their early thirties and the majority had wild pasts. They were frustrated men of action, 'swordsmen' the priests called them, and 'they had not the patience and longanimity to expect the Providence of God.'" — Jessie Childs, God's Traitors: Terror & Faith in Elizabethan England, 2014

verbiage Audio pronunciation

noun | VER-bee-ij
a profusion of words usually of little or obscure content
manner of expressing oneself in words : diction
Scroll down for more about verbiage

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