For the Grace of God

Father, thank You for making me alive in Christ! I declare that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour, and because He died for me, I can live the abundant life here on earth. Help me stay focused on You this day & live with the enthusiasm that comes from knowing You in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

A Sticky Substance?

 Gelatine is versatile and is excellent for doing small ... ... materials give out when they cure will melt the mould and create a huge sticky mess.





noun \ˈje-lə-tən\
: a clear substance that is made by boiling animal bones or tissues and that is used in making jelly
: a food made with gelatin

Full Definition of GELATIN

:  glutinous material obtained from animal tissues by boiling; especially :  a colloidal protein used as a food, in photography, and in medicine
a :  any of various substances (as agar) resembling gelatin
b :  an edible jelly made with gelatin
:  gel 2

Variants of GELATIN

gel·a·tin also gel·a·tine

Origin of GELATIN

French gélatine edible jelly, gelatin, from Italian gelatina, from gelato, past participle of gelare to freeze, from Latin — more at cold
First Known Use: 1800

Rhymes with GELATIN


noun    (Medical Dictionary)

Medical Definition of GELATIN

: glutinous material obtained from animal tissues by boiling; especially : a colloidal protein used as a food, in photography, and in medicine
a : any of various substances (as agar) resembling gelatin b : an edible jelly made with gelatin

Variants of GELATIN

gel·a·tin also gel·a·tine


noun    (Concise Encyclopedia)
Animal protein substance having gel-forming properties, used primarily in food products. Derived from collagen, it is extracted by boiling animal skin and bones. It is commonly produced as granules or as a mix with added sugars, flavours, and colours. Immersed in a liquid, gelatin takes up moisture and swells, causing the mixture to solidify. It is used to make such foods as molded desserts, jellied meats, soups, candies, and aspics and to stabilize such emulsion and foam food products as ice cream and marshmallows. It is nutritionally an incomplete protein. It is also used in various pharmaceutical products.


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