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Conservatoire de Paris
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In 1946 it was split in two, one part for acting, theatre and drama, known as the Conservatoire national supérieur d'art dramatique (CNSAD), and the other for music and dance, known as the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris (CNSMDP). Today the conservatories operate under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Communication.
Former Conservatoire building (until 1911) in the 9th arrondissement of Paris, which now houses the CNSAD (48.873074°N 2.347001°E)
École Royale de Chant
On 3 December 1783 Papillon de la Ferté, Intendant of the Menus-Plaisirs du Roi, proposed that Niccolò Piccinni should be appointed director of a future École Royale de Chant (literally, Royal School of Singing). The school was instituted by a decree of 3 January 1784 and opened on 1 April with the composer François-Joseph Gossec as the provisional director. Piccinni refused the directorship, but did join the faculty as a professor of singing. The new school was located in buildings adjacent to the Hôtel des Menus-Plaisirs at the junction of the rue Bergère and the rue du Faubourg Poissonnière.[1][2] In June a class in dramatic declamation was added, and the name was modified to École Royale de Chant et de Déclamation.[3]Institut National de Musique
Founding of the Conservatoire
On 3 August 1795, the government combined the Ecole Royale with the Institut National de Musique, creating the Conservatoire de Musique under the direction of Sarrette. The combined organization remained in the facilities on the rue Bergère. The first 351 pupils commenced their studies in October 1796.[2][4]By 1800 the staff of the Conservatory included some of the most important names in music in Paris, including, besides Gossec, the composers Luigi Cherubini, Jean-François Le Sueur, Étienne Méhul, and Pierre-Alexandre Monsigny, as well as the violinists Pierre Baillot, Rodolphe Kreutzer, and Pierre Rode.[2]
Salle des Concerts du Conservatoire
A concert hall, designed by the architect François-Jacques Delannoy,[5] was inaugurated on 7 July 1811.[6] The hall, which still exists today, was in the shape of a U (with the orchestra at the straight end). It held an audience of 1055.[7] The acoustics were generally regarded as superb. The French composer and conductor Antoine Elwart(fr) described it as the Stradivarius of concert halls.[8]In 1828 François Habeneck, a professor of violin and head of the Conservatory's orchestra, founded the Société des Concerts du Conservatoire (forerunner of the Orchestre de Paris). The Society held concerts in the hall almost continuously until 1945, when it moved to the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées.[9] The French composer Hector Berlioz premiered his Symphonie fantastique in the conservatory's hall on 5 December 1830 with an orchestra of more than a hundred players.[6]
The original library was created by Sarrette in 1801.[10] After the construction of the concert hall, the library moved to a large room above the entrance vestibule.[11] In the 1830s Berlioz became a part-time curator in the Conservatory Library and was the librarian from 1852 until his death in 1869, but never held a teaching position. He was succeeded as librarian by Félicien David.[2]Bourbon Restoration
Sarrette was dismissed on 28 December 1814, after the restoration of the monarchy, but was reinstated on 26 May 1815, after Napoleon's return to power (during the "Hundred Days"). However, after Napoleon's fall, Sarrette was finally compelled to retire on 17 November.[10] The government of the monarchy kept the school closed for a period, but reopened it as the École Royale de Musique with François-Louis Perne as the director in April 1816.[2] In 1819 François Benoist was appointed professor of organ.[7]Probably the most well known director in the 19th century was Luigi Cherubini, who took over on 1 April 1822 and remained in control until 8 February 1842. Cherubini maintained high standards and his staff included teachers such as François-Joseph Fétis, Habeneck, Fromental Halévy, Le Sueur, Ferdinando Paer, and Anton Reicha.[2]
Cherubini was succeeded by Daniel-François-Esprit Auber in 1842. Under Auber composition teachers included Adolphe Adam, Halévy, and Ambroise Thomas; piano teachers, Louise Farrenc, Henri Herz, and Antoine François Marmontel; violin teachers, Jean-Delphin Alard and Charles Dancla; and cello teachers, Pierre Chevillard and Auguste Franchomme.[2]
In 1852, Camille Urso, who studied with Lambert Massart, became the first female student to win a prize on violin.[12]
Instrument museum
The Conservatory Instrument Museum, founded in 1861, was formed from the instrument collection of Louis Clapisson(fr).[2][13] The French music historian Gustave Chouquet became the curator of the museum in 1871 and did much to expand and upgrade the collection.[13]Franco-Prussian War and the Third Republic
In the Franco-Prussian War, during the siege of Paris (September 1870 – January 1871), the Conservatory was used as a hospital. On 13 May 1871, the day after Auber's death, the leaders of the Paris Commune appointed one Salvador Daniel as the director, however Daniel was shot and killed ten days later by the troops of Adolphe Thiers. He was replaced by Ambroise Thomas, who remained in the post until 1896. Thomas's rather conservative directorship was vigorously criticized by many of the students, notably Claude Debussy.[2]Théodore Dubois succeeded Thomas after the latter's death in 1896. Professors included Charles-Marie Widor, Gabriel Fauré, and Charles Ferdinand Lenepveu for composition, Alexandre Guilmant for organ, Paul Taffanel for flute, and Louis Diémer for piano.[2]
Gabriel Fauré
Fauré appointed forward-thinking representatives (such as Debussy, Paul Dukas, and André Messager) to the governing council, loosened restrictions on repertoire, and added conducting and music history to the courses of study. Widor's composition students during this period included Darius Milhaud, Arthur Honegger, and Germaine Tailleferre. Other students included Lili Boulanger and Nadia Boulanger. New to the staff were Alfred Cortot for piano and Eugène Gigout for organ.[2]
The modern era
The Conservatory moved to facilities at 14 rue de Madrid in 1911.[2]Henri Rabaud succeeded Fauré in 1920 and served until 1941. Notable students were Olivier Messiaen, Jean Langlais, and Jehan Alain. Staff included Dukas and Jean Roger-Ducasse for composition, Marcel Dupré for organ, Marcel Moyse for flute, and Claire Croiza for singing.[2]
Claude Delvincourt was director from 1941 until his tragic death in an auto accident in 1954. Delvincourt was a progressive administrator, adding classes in harpsichord, saxophone, percussion, and the Ondes Martenot. Staff included Milhaud for composition and Messiaen for analysis and aesthetics. In 1946, the dramatic arts were transferred to a separate institution (CNSAD). Delvincourt was succeeded by Dupré in 1954, Raymond Loucheur in 1956, Raymond Gallois-Montbrunn in 1962, Marc Bleuse in 1984, and Alain Louvier in 1986. Plans to move the Conservatory of Music and Dance to more modern facilities in La Villette were initiated under Bleuse and completed under Louvier. It opened as part of the Cité de la Musique in September 1990.[2]
Currently the conservatories train more than 1,200 students in structured programs, with 350 professors in nine departments.
The Conservatoire National Supérieur d'art Dramatique (National Superior Conservatory of the Dramatic Arts) is the conservatory for acting, drama, and theatre, known by its acronym CNSAD. It is located in the original historic building of the Conservatoire de Paris on the rue du Conservatoire at rue Sainte-Cécile in the 9th arrondissement of Paris. Free public performances by students at the CNSAD are given frequently in the Conservatoire's theatre.CNSMDP
The Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris (National Superior Conservatory of Paris for Music and Dance) is a separate conservatory for music and dance. The French government built the impressive new campus with strikingly modern architecture in the 19th arrondissement of Paris. Design by Christian de Portzamparc.The organ on site was built in 1991 by a firm from Austria.
- Students
- Former teachers
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