We ar recently returned from the KNP, where we saw, on two seperate occasions, the Wild Dog {Lycaon Pictus}; amongst a number of other beasts!
This animal is on the Endangered Animal list, and our sighting was enjoyed so much that Mom took numerous pics and kept us intrigued with her persistence!
Word of the Day for Saturday, June 5, 2010
penumbra \pi-NUHM-bruh\, noun:
1. An area in which something exists to an uncertain degree.
2. Astronomy. The partial or imperfect shadow outside the complete shadow of an opaque body, as a planet, where the light from the source of illumination is only partly cut off.
3. The grayish marginal portion of a sunspot.
At this point, it behooves me to add this entry: Non sequitur (pronounced /nɒnˈsɛkwɪtər/) is Latin for "it does not follow." It is most often used as a noun to describe illogical statements.
And also, non sequitur (pronounced /nɒnˈsɛkwɪtər/) is Latin for "it does not follow." It is most often used as a noun to describe illogical statements.
Followed by a huge entry:

Skukuza is James Stephenson-Hamilton's nickname. He was known as Skukuza, a Shangaan name meaning either “he who sweeps clean" or "he who turns everything upside down", by his staff at Kruger National Park. Dr HP Junod, an expert on the Tsonga people, interpreted the name and attitude with which it was given, as follows: ‘As the Tsongas were early inhabitants of this part of the Lowveld, the name Skukuza – the broom (taken over from the Zulu), reflects clearly the Tsonga’s bitterness at being deprived of their dwelling place by Stevenson-Hamilton’.
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