For the Grace of God

Father, thank You for making me alive in Christ! I declare that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour, and because He died for me, I can live the abundant life here on earth. Help me stay focused on You this day & live with the enthusiasm that comes from knowing You in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Et Tu Brute?

Word of the Day for Wednesday, April 22, 2009

invidious \in-VID-ee-uhs\, adjective:

1. Tending to provoke envy, resentment, or ill will.
2. Containing or implying a slight.
3. Envious.

This very word is remembered from a time, long, long ago!
The name Charmagne Bird, Beacon Isle Hotel & Plettenberg bay come to mind as well as a song; "Sand in my shoes blues"; guitar playing and all!

A lot of fun was had!

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