For the Grace of God

Father, thank You for making me alive in Christ! I declare that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour, and because He died for me, I can live the abundant life here on earth. Help me stay focused on You this day & live with the enthusiasm that comes from knowing You in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thursday, December 31, 2009




Word of the Day for Thursday, December 31, 2009

vicissitude \vih-SIS-ih-tood; -tyood\, noun:

1. Regular change or succession from one thing to another; alternation; mutual succession; interchange.
2. Irregular change; revolution; mutation.
3. A change in condition or fortune; an instance of mutability in life or nature (especially successive alternation from one condition to another).

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

As the year ...

...draws to a close...

Word of the Day for Monday, December 28, 2009

surreptitious \suhr-uhp-TISH-uhs; suh-rep-\, adjective:

1. Done, made, or gotten by stealth.
2. Acting with or marked by stealth.

...we surreptitiously enter a post to the blog, that was not going to be, howeva!

I am still at it and a change is as good as a holiday, let's see what next year will bring!...

Monday, December 28, 2009

yes, yes, yes...

Well there we were, three against a thousand!
Boy did we charge here master cards!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Ja Well No Fine

Christmas day has been wonderful...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Peace on earth

...on the eve of Christmas and all about to enjoin in the Holy celebration at Lupus Den

Word of the Day for Thursday, December 24, 2009

lambent \LAM-buhnt\, adjective:

1. Playing lightly on or over a surface; flickering; as, "a lambent flame; lambent shadows."
2. Softly bright or radiant; luminous; as, "a lambent light."
3. Light and brilliant; as, "a lambent style; lambent wit."

and dot, dot, dot!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Christmas draws ever nearer and Life's Good!

Tune in to Word Explorer
Word of the Day for Wednesday, December 23, 2009

clinquant \KLING-kunt\, adjective:

1. Glittering with gold or silver; tinseled.

1. Tinsel; imitation gold leaf

Adios Amigos!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Gosh I am so lost...

...where is robert?.....

Word of the Day for Sunday, December 20, 2009

iota \eye-OH-tuh\, noun:

1. The ninth letter of the Greek alphabet, corresponding to the English i.
2. A very small quantity or degree; a jot; a bit.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ok, progress is slow...

Yes, and as much as I would like to improve my web presence, I seem to be caught in a rut!
The word for today is...10:16...10:18...

Word of the Day for Wednesday, December 16, 2009

doff \DOF\, transitive verb:

1. To take off, as an article of clothing.
2. To tip or remove (one's hat).
3. To put aside; to rid oneself of.

OK, this all seems like Greek to me...


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

At last I post, post, post...

Well hello and this could be the beginning of a new blog, or the end of the old way.
I ponder too much, I wander, and wonder and am in awe!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Yes Please

Some might have said,"The Eagle has landed!"
My namesake was on that mission, the year that I was born!
Big things, thangs are about to happen in my life and it is so awesome!

Word of the Day
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
\brob-ding-NAG-ee-uhn\ , adjective;
Of extraordinary size; gigantic; enormous.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Well hello!

This is the last entry as the great Day approaches. I am only getting younger because I feel good, just like James Brown once said.

Word of the Day for Tuesday, November 24, 2009

martinet \mar-t'n-ET\, noun:

1. A strict disciplinarian.
2. One who lays stress on a rigid adherence to the details of forms and methods.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Yabba, Dabba, Doo

Well there we were, 3 against a thousand, boy did we crack those three up!
Word of the Day for Saturday, November 21, 2009

germane \juhr-MAYN\, adjective:

Appropriate or fitting; relevant.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Windows 7 is very alive

And we await the hour when linux is out and the light shines through the Windows 7!
Come to me baby! Life is good when linux sees the door and the light shines through the Window, seven times more brightly!

So I am waiting to close the Door on Linux and open the Window so that the light will shine in!

All necessary applications shall be added to ensure that no VIRUSES are allowed in!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


"What you do not know, you will fear
What one fears, one destroys"

Thursday, November 12, 2009

yes what?

STUVA'S your friend

Word of the Day for Thursday, November 12, 2009

asseverate \uh-SEV-uh-rayt\, transitive verb:

To affirm or declare positively or earnestly.

yes what?

STUVA'S your friend

Word of the Day for Thursday, November 12, 2009

asseverate \uh-SEV-uh-rayt\, transitive verb:

To affirm or declare positively or earnestly.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Archaic? I just don't know

I am back and BAD of course!

Word of the Day for Wednesday, November 11, 2009

forfend \for-FEND\, transitive verb;
also forefend:

1. a. (Archaic) To prohibit; to forbid.
b. To ward off; to prevent; to avert.
2. To defend; to protect; to preserve.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ta da...

...well anew day is brewing and I had best get some kip!
Before I do, here is the news:
Word of the Day for Tuesday, November 10, 2009

soporific \sop-uh-RIF-ik; soh-puh-\, adjective:

1. Causing sleep; tending to cause sleep.
2. Of, relating to, or characterized by sleepiness or lethargy.

1. A medicine, drug, plant, or other agent that has the quality of inducing sleep; a narcotic.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Yippee Yay

Last sleep all alone!

Word of the Day for Wednesday, October 21, 2009

scuttlebutt \SKUHT-l-buht\, noun:

1. A drinking fountain on a ship.
2. A cask on a ship that contains the day's supply of drinking water.
3. Informal. Gossip; rumor.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

this is the day..

...that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!
WH Party - gleaning took place in a big way

this is the day..

...that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and give thanks!
WH Party - gleaning took place in a big way

Monday, October 19, 2009


3 more sleeps till 'B' heaven

Word of the Day for Monday, October 19, 2009

fugacious \fyoo-GAY-shuhs\, adjective:

Lasting but a short time; fleeting.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Min Dae!

Yes, well ut is getting closer and closer to the day when I fly to PE and then am driven to the farm!
Word of the Day for Sunday, October 18, 2009

turbid \TUR-bid\, adjective:

1. Muddy; thick with or as if with roiled sediment; not clear; -- used of liquids of any kind.
2. Thick; dense; dark; -- used of clouds, air, fog, smoke, etc.
3. Disturbed; confused; disordered.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Faa de daa

Hata Manyana!

Arriva, arriva!

Word of the Day for Saturday, October 17, 2009

innocuous \ih-NOK-yoo-uhs\, adjective:

1. Harmless; producing no ill effect.
2. Not likely to offend or provoke; as, "an innocuous remark."

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Yes please!

Today is great and fantastic - 7 more sleeps till...

Word of the Day for Thursday, October 15, 2009

fetor \FEE-tuhr; FEE-tor\, noun:

A strong, offensive smell; stench.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tonights is the night

Cell ular telephone's are great!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A marvelous day!

Today is a wonderful day, and the birds are tweeting and the grass is growing and my fortune is alive and good.

Nine more sleeps and I am away!

Word of the Day for Monday, October 12, 2009

exculpate \EK-skuhl-payt; ek-SKUHL-payt\, transitive verb:

To clear from alleged fault or guilt; to prove to be guiltless; to relieve of blame; to acquit.

The immense and
Spirit still
shall quicken
and control
Living he was the
Land And Dead
his Soul shall be
her Soul

Carved into the frieze above his bust are the words:

To the Spirit and Life Work of
Cecil John Rhodes
who Loved and Served South Africa

1853 - 1902

A marvelous day!

Today is a wonderful day, and the birds are tweeting and the grass is growing and my fortune is alive and good.

Word of the Day for Monday, October 12, 2009

exculpate \EK-skuhl-payt; ek-SKUHL-payt\, transitive verb:

To clear from alleged fault or guilt; to prove to be guiltless; to relieve of blame; to acquit.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

good evening

Yes and todays word is...

Word of the Day for Sunday, October 11, 2009

descry \dih-SKRY\, transitive verb:

1. To catch sight of, especially something distant or obscure; to discern.
2. To discover by observation; to detect.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Yes Please..

...Duff Beer!

Word of the Day for Saturday, October 10, 2009

reverie \REV-uh-ree\, noun:

1. A state of dreamy meditation or fanciful musing.
2. A daydream.
3. A fantastic, visionary, or impractical idea.
4. Music. An instrumental composition of a vague and dreamy character.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ooh Be Doo Be...

...Doo be doo ah yeah

Word of the Day for Thursday, October 8, 2009

titivate \TIT-uh-vayt\, transitive and intransitive verb:

1. To make decorative additions to; spruce.

intransitive verb:
1. To make oneself smart or spruce.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Words of the day...

...Well I say! @ 23:16

Word of the Day for Wednesday, October 7, 2009

foofaraw \FOO-fuh-raw\, noun:

1. Excessive or flashy ornamentation or decoration.
2. A fuss over a matter of little importance.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Today is the day when the earth stands still...

Saturday today - the long lost weekend, and it is hot!
A blog (a contraction of the term weblog) is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary ...

There, now i have said it, and let's be careful out there!
Life's Good.

And Fate would have me chatting away while i am posting to my blog, some would say multi-tasking; not that i am very good at that!

Friday, October 2, 2009


Word of the Day for Friday, October 2, 2009

incarnadine \in-KAR-nuh-dyn\, adjective:

1. Having a fleshy pink color.
2. Red; blood-red.

transitive verb:
1. To make red or crimson.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ah well you loner...

...just remember that you are not alone!


1.An unbranded range animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother, traditionally considered the property of the first person who brands it.
2.One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group; a dissenter.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

There were two Boer Wars.

Todays heretic information leaves a lot to be mined, De Beers!

Sir Leander Starr Jameson
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition | 2008 | The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Copyright 2008 Columbia University Press. (Hide copyright information) Copyright

Sir Leander Starr Jameson 1853-1917, British colonial administrator and statesman in South Africa. He went to Kimberley (1878) as a physician, became associated with Cecil Rhodes in his colonizing ventures, and was appointed (1891) administrator of Mashonaland. On Dec. 29, 1895, he led a band of volunteers on the famous Jameson Raid into the Boer colony of Transvaal in an effort to support a brewing rebellion by foreign settlers (mainly British), and to further Rhodes's ambition for a united South Africa. The raid was premature. Jameson was captured within a few days and turned over by President Kruger to the British to be punished for his unauthorized venture. He was returned to London for trial and sentenced to imprisonment for 15 months. On his release he returned to South Africa, served in the Cape Colony Parliament (1900-1902), and was premier (1904-8). He played an important role in the South African National Convention (1908-9), which achieved the union of the South African colonies.

Read entire entry

Sir Leander Starr Jameson 1853-1917, British colonial administrator and statesman in South Africa. He went to Kimberley (1878) as a physician, became associated with Cecil Rhodes in his colonizing ventures, and was appointed (1891) administrator of Mashonaland. On Dec. 29, 1895, he led a band of volunteers on the famous Jameson Raid into the Boer colony of Transvaal in an effort to support a brewing rebellion by foreign settlers (mainly British), and to further Rhodes's ambition for a united South Africa. The raid was premature. Jameson was captured within a few days and turned over by President Kruger to the British to be punished for his unauthorized venture. He was returned to London for trial and sentenced to imprisonment for 15 months. On his release he returned to South Africa, served in the Cape Colony Parliament (1900-1902), and was premier (1904-8). He played an important role in the South African National Convention (1908-9), which achieved the union of the South African colonies.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Oh, Hello!

I ameliorate myself, you good person, you!

Word of the Day for Tuesday, September 29, 2009

ameliorate \uh-MEEL-yuh-rayt\, transitive verb:

1. To make better; to improve.

intransitive verb:
1. To grow better.

Monday, September 28, 2009

A new Post!

The word of the day!
prevarication : Main Entry: pre·var·i·cate
Pronunciation: \pri-ˈver-ə-ˌkāt, -ˈva-rə-\
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): pre·var·i·cat·ed; pre·var·i·cat·ing
Etymology: Latin praevaricatus, past participle of praevaricari to act in collusion, literally, to straddle, from prae- + varicare to straddle, from varus bowlegged
Date: circa 1631

: to deviate from the truth : equivocate

A new Post!

The word of the day!
prevarication : Main Entry: pre·var·i·cate
Pronunciation: \pri-ˈver-ə-ˌkāt, -ˈva-rə-\
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): pre·var·i·cat·ed; pre·var·i·cat·ing
Etymology: Latin praevaricatus, past participle of praevaricari to act in collusion, literally, to straddle, from prae- + varicare to straddle, from varus bowlegged
Date: circa 1631

: to deviate from the truth : equivocate

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Welcome to the first day...

...of the rest of your life!
Go Gorilla - Freshly Ground!
Welcome to the First Day...

Word of the Day for Sunday, September 27, 2009

predilection \preh-d'l-EK-shun; pree-\, noun:

A predisposition to choose or like; an established preference.

Friday, September 25, 2009

La di da...

...It is an inferration that Life's Good - well that's what I think!

Before I bore myself to tears, I will say that it is fantastic, awesome and a whole lot of other fancy words, to be at the New Chat Site.
Step on up to the mark!

Word of the Day for Friday, September 25, 2009

cavort \kuh-VORT\, intransitive verb:

1. To bound or prance about.
2. To have lively or boisterous fun; to behave in a high-spirited, festive manner.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Been back to the new old chat site and re-met some folks.
It is awesome to be back!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

hello and flock....

...of seagulls - way to go!
Shambolic should be the word for today - this post has been made in the most extraordinary way by a bombastic piece of ingenuity - they say you should not praise yourself!

Word of the Day for Tuesday, September 22, 2009

cognoscente \kon-yuh-SHEN-tee; kog-nuh-; -SEN-\, noun:

A person with special knowledge of a subject; a connoisseur.

Monday, September 21, 2009

dum de dum dum...

...Fook this website is vol kaktus and all.
I have now forgotten what the heck i was gonna add!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


...Now, as it took so long to get ready for my post, I forgot what the heck I was gonna post.
Oh well - all good children are already in bed, so best I be off!
Sleep tight, children

Saturday, September 19, 2009

"Come on....

"....Young Man! get with the programme"

My pocket don't drive me far...

Friday, September 18, 2009

Oh, Hello...

lives well and has a great philosophy, "love, live well, and laugh often"

Live Well and Laugh often

Word of the Day for Friday, September 18, 2009

alacrity \uh-LACK-ruh-tee\, noun:

A cheerful or eager readiness or willingness, often manifested by brisk, lively action or promptness in response.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Today I will do...

...all I can do - it shall be good as LIFE'S GOOD!

Word of the Day for Thursday, September 17, 2009

efficacious \ef-ih-KAY-shuhs\, adjective:

Capable of having the desired result or effect; effective as a means, measure, remedy, etc.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

This is the day ...

When I was younger, so much younger than before....
Oh, I overextend my soul; Catch you all later!

bucolic \byoo-KOL-ik\, adjective:

1. Relating to or typical of the countryside or its people; rustic.
2. Of or pertaining to the life and occupation of a shepherd; pastoral.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

do be do be doo

Hello you good people!
News of the day - Deer Park Cafe, a great place when there are no little people there, was good enough for government work; however, no caching no getting in or getting out any finds - too many muggles!
And not enough interested parties!

acquiesce \ak-wee-ES\, intransitive verb:

To accept or consent passively or without objection -- usually used with 'in' or 'to'.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Stardust in the gutters?

A whole lot of upset in the hood - it sounds bad.
Sleep tight you good people ;+)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

linux is anti-evrything!!!

abecedarian \ay-bee-see-DAIR-ee-uhn\, noun:

1. One who is learning the alphabet; hence, a beginner.
2. One engaged in teaching the alphabet.
3. Pertaining to the letters of the alphabet.
4. Arranged alphabetically.
5. Rudimentary; elementary.

I believe that linux is abecedarian - or rather, my brother is!

Hello, what a glorious day it is!

I am in my element-computing for a purpose and embellishing my Web Page!
Life's Good!
Indubitably <too evident to be doubted : unquestionable>, I am one of the happiest people in the world!

1 a : awaiting a chance to entrap : treacherous b : harmful but enticing : seductive <insidious drugs>

2 a : having a gradual and cumulative effect : subtle insidious pressures of modern life> b of a disease : developing so gradually as to be well established before becoming apparent

in·sid·i·ous·ly adverb

in·sid·i·ous·ness noun

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Is it really spring?

Happy Spring Day!
The grass has riz, I wonder where the birdies is?
Spring has Sprung - however you would never say so!
It is bitterly cold!

\FEE-kuhnd; FEK-uhnd\, adjective:

1. Capable of producing offspring or vegetation; fruitful; prolific.
2. Intellectually productive or inventive.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

truckle \TRUHK-uhl\, intransitive verb:

1. To yield or bend obsequiously to the will of another; to act in a subservient manner.
2. A small wheel or roller; a caster.

Well that is the word for today!
See you on the morrow!

And here is a bonus word!
ob·se·qui·ous (b-skw-s, b-)
Full of or exhibiting servile compliance; fawning.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Well I am in dispair, and not at all happy

This fartled grintbug is not making my day!

Bye now...

I flout my bedtime and it is flouted! Bah Humbug...



Well I am in dispair, and not at all happy

This fartled grintbug is not making my day!

Bye now...


Well I am in dispair, and not at all happy

This fartled grintbug is not making my day!

Bye now...

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Winter of our Discontent!

Friday, August 21 2009, 21:36
It is very frustrating when your bandwidth seems to be being borrowed with no forethought or compensation...

This is just not cricket!

12 fin electric/gas heaters are quite pricey and it is just not reasonable to expect to keep warm when heating seems not to be available!

The electric heater seems to have expired ; what to do???

Bah humbug - just get cold in the grip of winter!
I am ill content and unable to get to the bottom of this despicable situation and will retire at the moment in a state of discontent - well at least I am not incontinent - I don't think...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bloody Surprise...

...that my hips were replaced!

Avascular necrosis(of bone) is deterioration of bone due to a diminished blood supply.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Yo ho ho...

...and a barrel of laughs !
Well that's what they say!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Min Dae!

I think I still know how to count, and it is all of four (4) more sleeps till my B-Angel arrives - courtesy of Kulula!
Thanking you, in anticipation, of the wonderful time together!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Well it has been wonderful in the valley, however, the time has come as the walrus said...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tonight's the NITE

Hello and peace, you all!

I got too much to do tonight and it is gonna get big!

Life's Good

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

que sera sera...

Hello out there.
This is the begining...

Monday, July 13, 2009


It has been a long day...and it ain't over yet!
Kirkwood in the AM, Lupus Den for lunch and a gathering this PM!
I have garnered myself an, as yet, inexplicable mark on my left cheek. It is all under the boardwalk, so to say!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


What a great Day!

Laid some foundation for the shed doorway!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I am stung!

....Good to go, but I'll be back, Baby!

22:15 Just SKYPed Beetjie and LIFE's GOOD!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mal de la tete!

What an evening!
The Hussar - what a well appointed little nook!
Thoughts of Jack came rushing in - how many nights did I spend pondering about stuff at The Hussar - I guess it is not really important, just the memories!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Back to Back!

I have nemesised myself; incorrect usage of the language, however, I am going to go where no man has gone before, or so says Captain Kirk , of the Starship Enterprise!
Well it is the chilly dip at Clifton Fourth Beach in the AM! Best I be off to bed!
My sherry is shipped, or rather Old Browned!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

My Moriarty, eh Sherlock

Could it be that Lyrica is my nemesis? Less pain but more dizzyness and blurred vision? This smacks of Moriarty, Professor, I'll have you know!
Well, you gotta whey (I mean, of course, WEIGH - too much curds for me and not enough Brahman!) up the good with the bad!
Tonight, the best thing was that I SKYP'd my Baby!
And it was and is awesome!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

To chat or not to chat...

...this is the question?
Yay, I am back in TBIchat!
Life's Good!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Today is a great day...

...the start of a new beginning for B & me!
The night is long for those who wait, and we are waiting!
A jest is called for at this point, as life is about joy and happiness, not commiserations and sadness!
"Did you hear the news on the radio today?" - ok, that is not a joke, but rather an excerpt from Freshly Ground! Oh well, come to think of it, I cannot remember a single joke! OK, focus!
There is one about Van Der Merwe, or a few anyway, however, you can read them on Chappies wrappers!
By the way, I am not too good at telling jokes!
I just like to amuse myself and end up woth egg on my face, when I miss the plate...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Friday, June 12, 2009

Lala, lala,la

Yes, and the crowd cheered

Lala, lala,la

Yes, and the crowd cheered

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Oh Hello

This is an arbitrary entry!
I am arbing along :+)

Monday, June 1, 2009


...much is happening.
Non Dylan rocks!
TBIchat is broken!!!
See you all later.


much is happening.
Non Dylan rocks!
TBIchat is broken!!!
See you all later.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

This is done...

...poste haste as waste not want not, my yesterdays post did not work.
...."....I feel like a thinker...
...Linux is a waste of my time, however, I do nothing except moan!
I am gonna open Windows and close the door on Linux!...."

Monday, May 25, 2009

Hasta Manyana

Hasta luego, muchachos

Hasta Manyana

Hasta luego, muchachos

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesday 19 May2009

Hiya, it is late and I am off to bed:)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Well I never...

...It's a wonderful night for a Moondance!

Well I never...

...It's a wonderful night for a Moondance!

Friday, May 15, 2009

About blooming time...

Hello all you fine folks!
It is errant of me to not keep my blog up to date!
Problems persist in disappointing me!
Have a good evening - Life's Good!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Yada, yada, yada...

Word of the Day for Saturday, May 9, 2009

nostrum \NOS-truhm\, noun:

1. A medicine of secret composition and unproven or dubious effectiveness; a quack medicine.
2. A usually questionable remedy or scheme; a cure-all.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


...You are and will always be, forever and a day!
My how brave we are; yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Well, well, well...

...Still no word of the day; slacker.
I must away as it is an early start tomorrow - muchos thangs to be done.
The Doves are calling and Angelic Beauty is at work!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The moon... hanging in the purple sky...

My word of the day has entry retardation!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Ooh be doo be do

Granny B is no more with us on the earth; she has gone to join my Oupa and be rested with God!

God Bless you!

I love you Granny, and the future only looks good! Thank you for sharing your indomitable character!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

This is the day...

Word of the Day for Wednesday, April 29, 2009

bumptious \BUMP-shuhs\, adjective:

Crudely, presumptuously, or loudly self-assertive.

...that I have been bumptious!

Monday, April 27, 2009

I am not a swine! it not so frustrating when your Dad gets irreconcilably upset with you over a 'nothing'! And then swine flue is taking the world by storm!

Word of the Day for Sunday, April 26, 2009

somnolent \SOM-nuh-luhnt\, adjective:

1. Sleepy; drowsy; inclined to sleep.
2. Tending to cause sleepiness or drowsiness.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I think my life is an imbruglio, but then again, I have a certainty in my love; my B-Angel.

Word of the Day for Saturday, April 25, 2009

imbroglio \im-BROHL-yoh\, noun:

1. A complicated and embarrassing state of things.
2. A confused or complicated disagreement or misunderstanding.
3. An intricate, complicated plot, as of a drama or work of fiction.
4. A confused mass; a tangle.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Where does your cheese bind?

It really cuts to where the cheese binds when you make a peccadillo!
Beware the Ides of March; oh, we are well past march and all I can think is, "April, come she will...", a lovely song of old from Simon & Garfunkel.

Word of the Day for Tuesday, April 21, 2009

peccadillo \peck-uh-DIL-oh\, noun:

A slight offense; a petty fault.

Word of the Day for Friday, April 24, 2009

gainsay \gayn-SAY; GAYN-say\, transitive verb:

1. To deny or dispute; to declare false or invalid.
2. To oppose; to contradict.

OK, so I was just catching up with myself on the previous word, this is today's word!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ek Bemin Jou!

My Baby, don't leave me that way...
I hardly, I know everything...well that I need to know, like Brahman's are the best!

Word of the Day for Thursday, April 23, 2009

paladin \PAL-uh-din\, noun:

1. A knight-errant; a distinguished champion of a medieval king or prince; as, the paladins of Charlemagne.
2. A champion of a cause.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Et Tu Brute?

Word of the Day for Wednesday, April 22, 2009

invidious \in-VID-ee-uhs\, adjective:

1. Tending to provoke envy, resentment, or ill will.
2. Containing or implying a slight.
3. Envious.

This very word is remembered from a time, long, long ago!
The name Charmagne Bird, Beacon Isle Hotel & Plettenberg bay come to mind as well as a song; "Sand in my shoes blues"; guitar playing and all!

A lot of fun was had!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Ontario, Quebec

blah blah balah

Word of the Day for Monday, April 20, 2009

stormy petrel \STOR-mee-PET-ruhl\, noun:

1. Any of various small sea birds of the family Hydrobatidae, having dark plumage with paler underparts; also called storm petrel.
2. One who brings discord or strife, or appears at the onset of trouble.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Nibbly, Nibbly, Nibbly

Is my fate ephemeral; some might say!

Word of the Day for Friday, April 17, 2009

ephemeral \ih-FEM-er-ul\, adjective:

1. Beginning and ending in a day; existing only, or no longer than, a day; as, an ephemeral flower.
2. Short-lived; existing or continuing for a short time only.

Keep your line in the water; if you want to catch big fish!


...the average age of the Vietnam ingrates!
Well hello, and how do ya suppose I know that?
Pure, blind, unadulterated guesswork?
Do you doubt my voracity?
Eish, Boetanza is like a rough diamond that has gone bloody!
Life's Good, just enjoy it and do not point fingers - you see, I am at the waters edge!

Word of the Day for Thursday, April 16, 2009

etiolate \EE-tee-uh-layt\, transitive verb:

1. (Botany) To bleach and alter the natural development of (a green plant) by excluding sunlight.
2. To make pale or sickly.
3. To make weak by stunting the growth or development of.
4. (Botany) To become bleached or whitened, as when grown without sunlight.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I think there I am outre

Word of the Day for Wednesday, April 15, 2009

outré \oo-TRAY\, adjective:

Unconventional; eccentric; bizarre.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


When you pause to see the men working on your undercarriage; it is all about cars and boys under the hood!

Word of the Day for Tuesday, April 14, 2009

labile \LAY-byl\, adjective:

1. Open to change; apt or likely to change; adaptable.
2. Constantly or readily undergoing chemical, physical, or biological change or breakdown; unstable.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Do unto others.. you would have done unto yourself!

Word of the Day for Monday, April 13, 2009

susurrus \su-SUHR-uhs\, noun:

A whispering or rustling sound; a murmur.

Talk about suffering in silence; all these fooking notes are actually getting in my way and I am too busy at the most inconvenient times, like 01:17, mama mia!

First is the conversion of Fahrenheit to Celsius:
Therefore 47F'=8.33C'
Put that in your pipe! This is susurrus!

Secondly, I reacquainted myself with my Mom's piano at 13W!

Thirdly, here is what Wanda the Fish has to say today:
What did Tarzan say when he saw the elephants coming over the hill?
"The elephants are coming over the hill."
What did Tarzan say when he saw the elephants coming over the hill wearing
Nothing, he didn't recognize them"

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

"This is the day that the Lord has made; let us be glad and rejoice in it." Psalm 118:24
Happy Easter!

Word of the Day for Sunday, April 12, 2009

pulchritude \PUL-kruh-tood; -tyood\, noun:

That quality of appearance which pleases the eye; beauty; comeliness; grace; loveliness.

"Women are like fine wine - just get better with age" - that's her story and she's sticking to it!

"The greatest thing in the world is not the freedom of speech, rather the freedom to speak." -- Stephen Hawking

Saturday, April 11, 2009

And I never saw the comet which portended great diaster.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life, or so they say!

Word of the Day for Saturday, April 11, 2009

portend \por-TEND\, verb:

To indicate (events, misfortunes, etc.) as in future; to foreshadow; to bode.

23:22 gosh it has got late; just a quick update...

alienastical lunatic, or so they say

Mom always puts the 'fun' in dysfunctional

Acceptance; bending with the wind

"Tomorrow's the Day that the Lord has Risen"

The Two Oceans

Cape Point - where the two oceans are reputed to meet (Complete hogwash as the oceans meet of Cape Agulhas, or so they say!)

AQnyway, I have never taken part as a competitor; just watched (for many years and many years ago) and also done some assistance in water tables (linked to my Church) ; Constantia Neck and UCT!

Friday, April 10, 2009


The word fo today is fantastic input from my big brother in sorting out my puter for a windows installation.

Word of the Day for Friday, April 10, 2009

frisson \free-SOHN\, noun:

A moment of intense excitement; a shudder; an emotional thrill.

And yesterdays word ...

Word of the Day for Thursday, April 9, 2009

impugn \im-PYOON\, transitive verb:

To attack by words or arguments; to call in question; to make insinuations against; to oppose or challenge as false; to gainsay.

Ooh be dooh...

Word of the Day for Thursday, April 9, 2009

impugn \im-PYOON\, transitive verb:

To attack by words or arguments; to call in question; to make insinuations against; to oppose or challenge as false; to gainsay.

Ooh be dooh...

Word of the Day for Thursday, April 9, 2009

impugn \im-PYOON\, transitive verb:

To attack by words or arguments; to call in question; to make insinuations against; to oppose or challenge as false; to gainsay.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Windows Rocks

Rwandan Genocide is big on the news tonight.
Monday 6 April 2009. 800 000 people were killed!
1959, 1963 & 1975??? 1994 was the big one of 800 000!

Les Infant Terrible could not have been so bad, could he?

Word of the Day for Monday, April 6, 2009

aegis \EE-jis\, noun:

1. Protection; support.
2. Sponsorship; patronage.
3. Guidance, direction, or control.
4. A shield or protective armor; -- applied in mythology to the shield of Zeus.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Trevor the bombastic Grinch

And what a pompous prat!

Word of the Day for Sunday, April 5, 2009

grandiloquent \gran-DIL-uh-kwuhnt\, adjective:

Lofty in style; pompous; bombastic.

Word of the Day for Friday, April 3, 2009

longueur \long-GUR\, noun:

A dull and tedious passage in a book, play, musical composition, or the like.

Ok, so I missed a few days, what is that between friends?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

yes, am I flumoxed today, ... is a very flummoxing thing to say the least, to be sure, to be sure!

Word of the Day for Saturday, April 4, 2009

flummox \FLUM-uhks\, transitive verb:

To confuse; to perplex.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A bright day!

This is me on the cutting edge!
Bryce Courteney and The Power of One.

Word of the Day for Tuesday, March 31, 2009

contretemps \KAHN-truh-tahn\, noun;
plural contretemps \-tahnz\:

An inopportune or embarrassing situation or event; a hitch.

<23:45> and what a 'contretemps' has arisen - canadian, one of my best and most long standing friends, on the internet chat site, is no more :(
What follows is a poem which has brought the smile to my face amidst all the sadness! I love you canadian and wish that only the best can happen to your family.


A rose once grew where all could see,
sheltered beside a garden wall,
And, as the days passed swiftly by,
it spread its branches, straight and tall...

One day, a beam of light shone through
a crevice that had opened wide -
The rose bent gently toward its warmth
then passed beyond to the other side...

Now, you who deeply feel its loss,
be comforted - the rose blooms there -
Its beauty even greater now,
nurtured by God's own loving care"


Monday, March 30, 2009

I have been a bit lax...

...I am in the Sundays River Valley with the one I love!

Word of the Day for Monday, March 30, 2009

ludic \LOO-dik\, adjective:

Of or relating to play; characterized by play; playful.

Irisene has been planted in abundance in the Garden!

The Ides of March refers to the period in March when the Roman Emporer, Julius Ceasar, was assassinated - 15 March AD44.
Or rather Julius Ceasar met his demise on the 15 March AD44 - during a period known as the Ides of March - not that this referal point is at all relevant to the demise of Julius!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The southern cross is out in full force, beware the ides of march???
Word of the Day for Saturday, March 28, 2009

velleity \veh-LEE-uh-tee; vuh-\, noun:

1. The lowest degree of desire; imperfect or incomplete volition.
2. A slight wish or inclination.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Och ais, me hearties!

Well I'll be darned! It has been a while, however I am back now.
We have joined he 21st Century here in the farmlands!
Good night and sleep tight! Mind the fleas don't bite!

Word of the Day for Thursday, March 26, 2009

propinquity \pruh-PING-kwih-tee\, noun:

1. Nearness in place; proximity.
2. Nearness in time.
3. Nearness of relation; kinship.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Thia is possibly my last wayward post to this blog for this month; mind you, I am only leaving on the 3rd April, so there is a chance that, until about then, I will have other things occupying my platter!
Aha, and my word of the day is nowhere to be seen, so there you go!
On second thoughts and things, here it is!

Word of the Day for Monday, March 2, 2009

sanguine \SANG-gwin\, adjective, noun;
Also used as a noun, red iron-oxide crayon used in making drawings:

1. cheerfully optimistic, hopeful, or confident
2. reddish; ruddy
3. (in old physiology) having blood as the predominating humor and consequently being ruddy-faced, cheerful, etc.
4. blood-red; red
5. Heraldry. a reddish-purple tincture.
6. a red iron-oxide crayon used in making drawings

Sunday, March 1, 2009

La de da

Great good golly gosh it has been a couple of days since I was last posting nonentities to my blog!

Well I am back in earnest!
And, bit of course, as bad as ever; which is all Good.

Word of the Day for Sunday, March 1, 2009

lampoon \lam-POON\, noun, verb:

1. a composition that imitates or misrepresents someone's style, usually in a humorous way
2. a light, good-humored satire
3. ridicule with satire

I am in my final throes just pre to leaving the Cape for that great farm in the Sundays River Valley. So much to do and accomplish; only so much can be done and I press on!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Word of the Day for Friday, February 27, 2009

hidebound \HAHYD-bound\, adjective:

narrow-minded and stubborn

I shall not be bound by my hide tomorrow!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Word of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2009

declaim \di-KLEYM\, verb:

to orate; to speak in a loud and emotional manner

I declaim myself to be the third in line of my fathers lien; and he is rather lean!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blah de blah de blah...

Word of the Day for Wednesday, February 25, 2009

openhanded \OH-puhn-HAN-did\, adjective:

1. giving freely; generous
2. done with an open hand

Word of the Day for Tuesday, February 24, 2009

peculate \PEK-yuh-leyt\, verb:

to steal money or goods entrusted to one; embezzle

I speculate that my peculatory self is unambiguos! - a nudge is as good as a wink to a blind bat!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

halloooooooo . . .

Word of the Day for Friday, February 20, 2009

ellipsis \i-LIP-sis\, noun:

three dots used to show an omission in writing or printing; the omission of a word or words in text

halloooooooo . . .

Word of the Day for Friday, February 20, 2009

ellipsis \i-LIP-sis\, noun:

three dots used to show an omission in writing or printing; the omission of a word or words in text

Monday, February 23, 2009

I beseech the chatters...

Word of the Day for Monday, February 23, 2009

beseech \bi-SEECH\, verb;
beseech, besought or beseeched, beseeching:

to ask earnestly; implore

...Not to use colours!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Well Yes!

Word of the Day for Sunday, February 22, 2009

nocuous \NOK-yoo-uhs\, adjective:

very hurtful; noxious

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I am often...

Word of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2009

consternation \kon-ster-NEY-shuhn\, noun:

sudden dread or paralyzing terror

...filled with consternation, particularly when I see movies about the world coming to an end!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hark I hear the dawn breaking...


Word of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2009

consternation \kon-ster-NEY-shuhn\, noun:

sudden dread or paralyzing terror

I was filled with consternation as I watched the film, "The day the earth stood still", or whateva!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hows the cricket?

Word of the Day for Tuesday, February 17, 2009

burnish \BUR-nish\, verb, noun:

1. to make shiny by polishing
2. a polish or shine

What a night to burnish all thoughts of an oxymoron to cuss on the polishing of this website.

Monday, February 16, 2009

On and on and on....

Word of the Day for Monday, February 16, 2009

interminable \in-TUR-muh-nuh-buhl\, adjective:

so long as to seem endless; never stopping

...ABBA sings that song, interminably well!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

"It's gonna take time.....

.....a whole lot of precious time!

Word of the Day for Sunday, February 15, 2009

pinchbeck \PINCH-bek\, noun, adjective:

1. an alloy of zinc and copper used to imitate gold in jewelry-making; by extension, something counterfeit; an imitation
2. not genuine; fake

it all takes time,,,

Word of the Day for Saturday, February 14, 2009

myopia \mahy-OH-pee-uh\, noun:

1. an abnormal eye condition in which only closeup objects are seen clearly; nearsightedness
2. shortsightedness; lack of foresight

Friday, February 13, 2009

Frioday 13 February

Friday 13 February - oh I said that!
Friday 13 February
Friday 13 February

Two more times is good enough for government work!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Todays word os quite interesting - manipulation...

Word of the Day for Tuesday, February 10, 2009

osteopath \OS-tee-uh-path\, noun:

a practitioner specializing in treatment chiefly by manipulation of the bones and muscles

Monday, February 9, 2009

What a Toad of a day it has been,,,

Word of the Day for Monday, February 9, 2009

toady \TOH-dee\, noun, verb:

1. a fawning flatterer; humble dependent
2. to attempt to gain favor by fawning or being servile

...and tomorrow is going to be even better!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Good Job

Word of the Day for Sunday, February 8, 2009

highhanded \HAHY-HAN-did\, adjective:

acting or done in a bold, arbitrary way

Mayhaps it is very highhanded for me to go and see Arno Carstens when I have more important issues at stake! Then again, one should always live life to the full!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

If you Snooze, You Lose!

Word of the Day for Saturday, February 7, 2009

denigrate \DEN-i-greyt\, verb:

to attack the character or reputation of; defame

If you Snooze, You Lose!

Word of the Day for Saturday, February 7, 2009

denigrate \DEN-i-greyt\, verb:

to attack the character or reputation of; defame

Thursday, February 5, 2009

To wit, to woo!!!

I am not unwitting when I suggest that it is rather a cold summer that we have been lead into!
Well anyway, it is not the long hot summer that some might have you believe!

Word of the Day for Thursday, February 5, 2009

unwitting \uhn-WIT-ing\, adjective:

not knowing; unaware; unintentional

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Word of the Day for Wednesday, February 4, 2009

virtuoso \vur-choo-OH-soh\, noun, adjective;
pl. virtuosos, virtuosi:

1. a person skilled in the techniques of an art, esp. playing a musical instrument; by extension, a person with a cultivated appreciation of artistry
2. showing mastery in artistic skills

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Our new Garden Serice has started...


Word of the Day for Monday, February 2, 2009

chaff \chaf\, noun, verb:

1. the stiff strawlike part of grains such as wheat, oats, rye
2. to make good-natured fun of someone
3. worthless material; detritus

This could be likened to flotsam and jetsam! And just remember Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin!

And at last todays word has arrived!

Word of the Day for Tuesday, February 3, 2009

defalcate \di-FAL-keyt\, verb:

to steal or misuse money or property entrusted to one's care

So do not defalcate, and hug a tree!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

today is the best day of your life...

...or so they would have you believe, and I tend to follow that view!

Right, it is chilli and also chili - you may choose one or two l's.

Word of the Day for Sunday, February 1, 2009

victuals \VIT-uhlz\, noun:

food or provisions, esp. for humans

A fine word and I just need to 'revictualise' myself!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Chilli, chilli, chilli

Today there is a very chill wind blowing in my battered mind, I am mindful of it and touching tomorrow, all at the same time {quite mystifying, if you know what I mean?}

Word of the Day for Saturday, January 31, 2009

canine \KEY-nahyn\, adjective:

1. of or like a dog or member of the dog family
2. any animal belonging to a group of meat-eaters including dogs, foxes, and wolves
3. pertaining to a canine tooth
4. one of the four teeth next to the incisors; cuspid

A chilli-dog must be a very rare carnivorous creature of huge intellect!

Friday, January 30, 2009

I am who I am...

the more you chase it, the more it eludes you;
but if you turn your attention to other things,
it comes and sits softly upon your shoulder

Word of the Day for Friday, January 30, 2009

bemoan \bi-MOHN\, verb:

to moan about or weep for; mourn

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Word of the Day for Thursday, January 29, 2009

acclaim \uh-KLEYM\, verb:

1. to welcome with loud approval; praise highly
2. a shout or show of approval

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lascivious INDEED!

Word of the Day for Tuesday, January 27, 2009

wanton \WON-tn\, adjective;
The plural is faunas or faunae.:

1. reckless, heartless, or malicious; without reason or excuse
2. not moral; lewd, lascivious

Monday, January 26, 2009

It is a lovely!

Well, today is a day for recomposition and purposeful clearly guided thinking!
I must away as I have lots to do; I shall leave you with one thought , "Life is amazing and we must, at every opportunity, enjoy it; no matter where we are or how we got there!"
08:50 is not the Solar Eclipse Fantastic!

Word of the Day for Monday, January 26, 2009

vacuous \VAK-yoo-uhs\, adjective:

1. showing no intelligence or thought
2. having no meaning or direction; empty

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Word of the Day for Sunday, January 25, 2009

unconscionable \uhn-KON-shuh-nuh-buhl\, adjective:

1. not influenced or guided by conscience
2. very great is unconscionable to fart in the wind!

23:10 Yes and farting in te wind is how I feel now...I am sequestered with an unending burden, I cannot live with my Darling and can only go to Plett in June - not Nature's Valley now, and I thought life was great!

But I bemoan too much of a nuthink and pay not heed to te beautiful life that I do lead. And Life's Good!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

A marvelous day in Cape Town

Word of the Day for Saturday, January 24, 2009

talisman \TAL-is-muhn, TAL-iz-muhn\, noun:

1. an object, such as a ring, engraved with figures supposed to have magic power; charm
2. anything that seems to produce extraordinary results

Today, being the first day of the rest of your life, someone once said, I was collected be Sal and we went to visit my grandmother, a really nice outing and one for which I am eternally gratefull!

Granny is my talisman and it was with great gratitude that I paid her a visit.

20:55 The G-Man is not to shabby! Lots of strategic help in getting my puter skills to play ball!

And a picture is required for today - it let's the mind wonder at the sanity of us folks! - The Red Pirhana! - OK and it went to the top, where the scum always goes I think?

SMOKING IS BAD BAD BAD rather nuture the trees than smoke the grass.

22:50 This message is brought to you in the best interest of nature and all those of us who are being contaminated by secondary tobacco smoke inhalation!
"Don't kill the world, do not destroy, basic ground"

tikkle tokkle...

Word of the Day for Friday, January 23, 2009

sallow \SAL-oh\, adjective:

having a sickly, yellowish color

...G-man come in, wherever you are!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Word of the Day for Wednesday, January 21, 2009

qualitative \KWOL-i-tey-tiv\, adjective:

concerned with quality or qualities

It is with a qualitative eye that I peruse the blog that I am in an ongoing process of building, indubitably forever and a day!

The Grinch may have stolen Christmas, however, I am indubitably throwing some sparkling light on the whole affair!

22, Jan 09, 01:12!

Great good golly gosh it is late; or early! And I am gonna suffer tomorrow!#$%%@^&

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


...the G'man better be weary of the bugblatter beast of traal.

The wind blows low to the ground when the squirrel hides the nuts.

And I am unrepentent!

Wed, 21 Jan '09 - the word for yesterday arrived on this ve=ry date - better late than never.

Word of the Day for Tuesday, January 20, 2009

pandiculation \pan-dik-yuh-LEY-shuhn\, noun:

an instinctive stretching, as on awakening or while yawning

Monday, January 19, 2009


Word of the Day for Monday, January 19, 2009

obscure \uhb-SKYOOR\, adjective:

1. not clearly expressed; hard to understand
2. to hide from view; dim, darken
3. not well known; not prominent
4. dark, dim, murky

...pilates, pilates! I miss you the most! Ooh, I have learnt a new word! Oh I am so obscure! Ha, ha, ha!

It is Martin Luther King Day

A true inspiration

I have a dream...
"Monumental words"

Sunday, January 18, 2009

sky news from london - leicester square

Word of the Day for Sunday, January 18, 2009

narcolepsy \NAHR-kuh-lep-see\, noun:

a disorder characterized by uncontrollable bouts of sleepiness during the daytime, occasional loss of muscle power and paralysis, and hallucinations during sleep


impossible to deny or disprove

Golly it is irrefutably late and way past my bedtime!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Yes Indeed

Word of the Day for Saturday, January 17, 2009

magnanimous \mag-NAN-uh-muhs\, adjective:

1. noble in mind or soul; free from mean or petty feelings or acts
2. showing a generous spirit; generous in forgiving

Yes well of they go after the magnanimous Aberdeen Sausage

Friday, January 16, 2009

Leave to do....Word of the Day for Friday, January 16, 2009 laissez-faire \les-ey FAIR\, adjective: 1. the principle that business, industry, trade,

Leave to do-oobi-doobi-do.

"[Note: Sat, 17 Jan 2009-a much belated insert] I of course for get to mark this day as the anniversary of my collision which led to my brain-farts and caused a huge change in my disposition. On this very day in the year of our lord 2003, I performed the most inimicable piece of driving; and lived to tell the tale!"

Word of the Day for Friday, January 16, 2009

laissez-faire \les-ey FAIR\, adjective:

1. the principle that business, industry, trade, etc. should operate with a minimum of regulation and interference by government
2. maintaining the principle of letting people do as they please

Thursday, January 15, 2009

And So comes to close another weary day in AFRICA.
B has flown the coop, so to speak , and seems to be out of e-mail contact - I shall phone later.
The Joys of living out of touch and in the dark half of our modern world.
Mind you, I should not lament this minor, irrefutable condition!

Word of the Day for Thursday, January 15, 2009

kinetic \ki-NET-ik\, adjective:

of or having to do with motion; caused by motion

We live, indubitably, in such an era where the kinetics of life are amazing!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Word of the Day for Wednesday, January 14, 2009

jettison \JET-uh-suhn, JET-uh-zuhn\, verb:

1. to throw goods overboard to lighten a ship or aircraft in distress
2. the act of throwing goods overboard when a craft is in distress; also, the goods thrown overboard
3. (figurative) to throw away; discard

Och ais, I feel jettisoned...

Today is the same as yesterday was then....

...does this make any sense?
Word of the Day for Tuesday, January 13, 2009

iconoclast \ahy-KON-uh-klast\, noun:

a person who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions as foolish or wrong

My prayers and strength go out to Granny!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Well hello and how the flock are you?

Hello and welcome to your life - the first day - and the rest is yet to come....

Word of the Day for Monday, January 12, 2009

hapless \HAP-lis\, adjective:

unlucky; unfortunate

Monday, January 12, 2009

Word of the Day for Monday, January 12, 2009

hapless \HAP-lis\, adjective:

unlucky; unfortunate

I am not often as hapless as I thought!

23:10 Only the dead are free from war!

War in the east, war in the west! Everywhere is war!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Word of the Day for Sunday, January 11, 2009

gargantuan \gahr-GAN-choo-uhn\, adjective:

enormous; gigantic; huge

My task is gargantuan! :)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Wolfey, wolfey, what's the time?

Hey you all, the word of the day is....

Word of the Day for Saturday, January 10, 2009

fastidious \fa-STID-ee-uhs\, adjective:

hard to please; extremely refined or critical


Friday, January 9, 2009

This is amazing....

Hi, my name is...
Shady is not it who the heck am I today?

Word of the Day for Friday, January 9, 2009

eclectic \i-KLEK-tik\, adjective:

1. selecting and using what seems best from various sources or systems; made up of selections from various sources
2. broad in acceptance of ideas or approval from other sources

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


It's a wonderful day for a moondance!

Word of the Day for Tuesday, January 6, 2009

beleaguer \bi-LEE-ger\, verb:

1. to surround with troops; besiege
2. to surround or beset

I am beleaguered, oh no!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Word of the Day for Monday, January 5, 2009

abstinent \AB-stuh-nuhnt\, adjective:

abstaining, especially from self-indulgence

Hi & Bye

Hasta luego

Sunday, January 4, 2009

the night is but a puppy...

Johnny be good
In a world that is floating on a magical mystic jaunt...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Word of the Day for Saturday, January 3, 2009

yegg \yeg\, noun:

a burglar who robs safes; safecracker

That is me , for today and a picture for the year.

Wow there are some great peops in my life!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Lets get Physical

Word of the Day for Thursday, January 1, 2009

wanderlust \WON-der-luhst\, noun:

a strong desire to wander or travel

Yeah! A Hot Summer!!!