nyctophobia \nik-tuh-FOH-bee-uh\, noun:
An abnormal fear of night or darkness.
"They only come out at night..."
"Darkness falls across the land....."
PERSISTENT STATE OF ONGOING RECOVERY this is the story of construction of a life that was and is beautiful. I am because I think I think because I can Life's Good Thank God for what I do have and not for what I do not!
nyctophobia \nik-tuh-FOH-bee-uh\, noun:
An abnormal fear of night or darkness.
"They only come out at night..."
"Darkness falls across the land....."
1. A state of final spiritual ruin; loss of the soul; damnation.
2. The future state of the wicked.
3. Hell.
4. Utter destruction or ruin.
5. Obsolete. Loss.
1. To spellbind; fascinate.
2. To hypnotize.
3. To compel by fascination.
ferly \FER-lee\, noun:
1. Something unusual, strange, or causing wonder or terror.
2. Astonishment; wonder.
That is what I wonder about...God is awesome!
A sense of loneliness and anxiety; a state or condition characterized by a breakdown or absence of social norms and values, as in the case of uprooted people.
This is not me; not my way at all!
tawdry \TAW-dree\, adjective:
1. Gaudy, showy and cheap.
2. Low or mean; base: tawdry motives.
1. Cheap, gaudy apparel.
En wat se jy now?
harrowing \HAR-oh-ing\, adjective:
Extremely disturbing or distressing; grievous.
1. Open to discussion or debate; doubtful.
2. Of little or no practical value or meaning; purely academic.
3. Chiefly Law Not actual; theoretical; hypothetical.
1. To present or introduce (any point, subject, project, etc.) for discussion.
2. To reduce or remove the practical significance of; make purely theoretical or academic.
3. Archaic To argue (a case), especially in a mock court.
1. An assembly of the people in early England exercising political, administrative, and judicial powers.
2. An argument or discussion, especially of a hypothetical legal case.
3. Obsolete A debate, argument, or discussion.
dorsal \DAWR-suhl\, adjective:
1. Situated on the back
2. In Anatomy situated on or toward the upper side of the body, equivalent to the back, or posterior, in humans.
3. In Botany pertaining to the surface away from the axis, as of a leaf; abaxial.
4. In Phonetics articulated with the dorsum of the tongue.
1. In Phonetics a dorsal speech sound.
2. In Anatomy a dorsal structure.
lummox \LUHM-uhks\, noun:
A clumsy, stupid person.
I caste all my lummoxness into the sea and long may it rot!
A disturbance of body equilibrium in standing or walking, resulting in an uncertain gait and trembling.
druthers \DRUHTH-erz\, noun:
One's own way, choice, or preference.
Literally “I pray you of it”.
weltschmerz \VELT-shmerts\, noun:
Sentimental pessimism; sorrow that one feels and accepts as one's necessary portion in life.