For the Grace of God

Father, thank You for making me alive in Christ! I declare that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour, and because He died for me, I can live the abundant life here on earth. Help me stay focused on You this day & live with the enthusiasm that comes from knowing You in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What a great day it is to be!

Sent from my iPhone
Dr Irvine Eidelman
Follow your passions in life - what else is there to do?

My first incoming mail - up there!

OK, yesterdays word will have to do - today's word is lurking...

attenuate \uh-TEN-yoo-eyt\, verb:

1. To weaken or reduce in force, intensity, effect, quantity, or value
2. To make thin; make slender or fine.
3. In medicine, to render less virulent, as a strain of pathogenic virus or bacterium.
4. In electronics, to decrease the amplitude of an electronic signal.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

I am hot and cold, put that in your pipe and smoke it!


It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

English poet: William Ernest Henley (1849–1903)

Am I?

\suh-ROK-oh\, noun:

1. Any hot, oppressive wind, especially one in the warm sector of a cyclone.
2. A hot, dry, dustladen wind blowing from northern Africa and affecting parts of southern Europe.
3. A warm, sultry south or southeast wind accompanied by rain.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Yes we are Polar Bears

Ursus maritimus, what a marvelous handle for an event which is to become Legendary!

\TAWR-uh-fahy\, verb:

1. To subject to fire or intense heat.
2. In pharmacology, to dry or parch drugs with heat.
3. To roast, as metallic ores.

And a lot of torrefy was overcome, by so many paople, at Clifton 4th Beach today

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Dogs do not blog, they blaff...

\joo-JIT-soo\, noun:

1. The ability to accomplish a task with no apparent effort or resistance.
2. Method developed in Japan of defending oneself without the use of weapons by using the strength and weight of an adversary to disable him.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

It is Raining!

And the old man is snoring...

\zen-uh-JEN-ik\, adjective:

1. To be completely different from either parent, or from the source of an object's creation.
2. In biology, originating outside the organism or from a foreign substance introduced into the organism.

Monday, June 20, 2011

it is all too much

I seem to be too slow for TBIchat.
Miss out on important content becuase of my stupidity...and I thought I was clever?

yarely \YAIR-lee\, adverb:

With quickness or agility.

Och ais, the G-Man thinks that I can do all my geocaching stuff on my own...

WH was good this AM - i even remembered, oddly enough, a name or two...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Ta da...

...It is the Nose Potty that has come for me,,,

And what a thang it is; more research and discovery - an ancient Eastern technique that is bloody marvelous, hey Gerald?

\ahy-si-JEE-sis\, noun:

An interpretation that expresses the interpreter's own ideas, bias, or the like, rather than the meaning of the text.

Sometimes I am even too cryptic for myself - creepy, hey Mr Jones?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Life's Good

I am gonna swim with my gammy leg on Saturday to earn my Polar Bear Colours!

\KURF\, noun:

1. A cut or incision made by a saw or the like in a piece of wood.
2. In mining, a deep cut a few inches high, used to undermine a portion of a coal or mineral seam.
3. The act of cutting or carving.

1. To cut or carve.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Yes please, I can Boogie...

... Hello and welcome to a prescribed dose of lunacy...

\BRIN-dld\, adjective:

Gray or tawny with darker streaks or spots.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What an OPeration!

crotchet \KROCH-it\, noun:

1. An odd fancy or whimsical notion.
2. A small hook.
3. In British musical nomenclature, a quarter note.
4. A curved surgical instrument with a sharp hook.

Well my crochet went fantastically - and it was not sewn inside me by mistake!

Well, actually I did not crotchet anything myself - just a figure of speech - my surgeon did a marvelous job and there is currently only a bit of post op discomfort!

Yay... more pain!

Monday, June 13, 2011


Word of the Day for Sunday, June 12, 2011

arroyo \uh-ROI-oh\, noun:

A small steep-sided gulch with a nearly flat floor: usually dry except after heavy rains.


Word of the Day for Sunday, June 12, 2011

arroyo \uh-ROI-oh\, noun:

A small steep-sided gulch with a nearly flat floor: usually dry except after heavy rains.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

It is now, when the times get tough, that the tough get tougher!

Pain is not your friend and should be eliminated, at all cost, from the general presence of yourself!

Todays Word

lucubrate \LOO-kyoo-breyt\, verb:

1. To work, write, or study laboriously, especially at night.
2. To write learnedly.

wiredrawn \WAH-yuhr-drawn\, adjective:

1. Finely spun; extremely intricate; minute.
2. Drawn out long and thin like a wire.