Who gives a continental?
aver \uh-VUR\, transitive verb:
1. To affirm with confidence; to declare in a positive manner, as in confidence of asserting the truth.
2. (Law) To assert, claim, or declare as a fact.
PERSISTENT STATE OF ONGOING RECOVERY this is the story of construction of a life that was and is beautiful. I am because I think I think because I can Life's Good Thank God for what I do have and not for what I do not!
We have a saying in South Africa that, if things are going really well with somebody, we would say that, that person is "in the pound seats". Any idea were it comes from?
My guess is that it comes from the times when SA used SA pounds as the currency. A cinema or theatre seat that cost a pound in those days was likely to be among the best in the house; ie the person who could afford such a seat was likely to be doing very well financially.
fanfaronade \fan-fair-uh-NAYD; -NOD\, noun:
1. Swaggering; empty boasting; blustering manner or behavior; ostentatious display.
2. Fanfare.
gastronome \GAS-truh-nohm\, noun:
A connoisseur of good food and drink.
Oh how I try...
masticate \MAS-tih-kayt\, transitive verb:
1. To grind or crush with or as if with the teeth in preparation for swallowing and digestion; to chew; as, "to masticate food."
2. To crush or knead (rubber, for example) into a pulp.
intransitive verb:
1. To chew food.