Word of the Day for Friday, February 27, 2009
hidebound \HAHYD-bound\, adjective:
narrow-minded and stubborn
I shall not be bound by my hide tomorrow!
PERSISTENT STATE OF ONGOING RECOVERY this is the story of construction of a life that was and is beautiful. I am because I think I think because I can Life's Good Thank God for what I do have and not for what I do not!
openhanded \OH-puhn-HAN-did\, adjective:
1. giving freely; generous
2. done with an open hand
ellipsis \i-LIP-sis\, noun:
three dots used to show an omission in writing or printing; the omission of a word or words in text
ellipsis \i-LIP-sis\, noun:
three dots used to show an omission in writing or printing; the omission of a word or words in text
beseech \bi-SEECH\, verb;
beseech, besought or beseeched, beseeching:
to ask earnestly; implore
...Not to use colours!
nocuous \NOK-yoo-uhs\, adjective:
very hurtful; noxious
consternation \kon-ster-NEY-shuhn\, noun:
sudden dread or paralyzing terror
...filled with consternation, particularly when I see movies about the world coming to an end!
consternation \kon-ster-NEY-shuhn\, noun:
sudden dread or paralyzing terror
I was filled with consternation as I watched the film, "The day the earth stood still", or whateva!
burnish \BUR-nish\, verb, noun:
1. to make shiny by polishing
2. a polish or shine
What a night to burnish all thoughts of an oxymoron to cuss on the polishing of this website.
interminable \in-TUR-muh-nuh-buhl\, adjective:
so long as to seem endless; never stopping
...ABBA sings that song, interminably well!
pinchbeck \PINCH-bek\, noun, adjective:
1. an alloy of zinc and copper used to imitate gold in jewelry-making; by extension, something counterfeit; an imitation
2. not genuine; fake
myopia \mahy-OH-pee-uh\, noun:
1. an abnormal eye condition in which only closeup objects are seen clearly; nearsightedness
2. shortsightedness; lack of foresight
osteopath \OS-tee-uh-path\, noun:
a practitioner specializing in treatment chiefly by manipulation of the bones and muscles
toady \TOH-dee\, noun, verb:
1. a fawning flatterer; humble dependent
2. to attempt to gain favor by fawning or being servile
...and tomorrow is going to be even better!
highhanded \HAHY-HAN-did\, adjective:
acting or done in a bold, arbitrary way
Mayhaps it is very highhanded for me to go and see Arno Carstens when I have more important issues at stake! Then again, one should always live life to the full!
denigrate \DEN-i-greyt\, verb:
to attack the character or reputation of; defame
denigrate \DEN-i-greyt\, verb:
to attack the character or reputation of; defame
unwitting \uhn-WIT-ing\, adjective:
not knowing; unaware; unintentional
virtuoso \vur-choo-OH-soh\, noun, adjective;
pl. virtuosos, virtuosi:
1. a person skilled in the techniques of an art, esp. playing a musical instrument; by extension, a person with a cultivated appreciation of artistry
2. showing mastery in artistic skills
chaff \chaf\, noun, verb:
1. the stiff strawlike part of grains such as wheat, oats, rye
2. to make good-natured fun of someone
3. worthless material; detritus
This could be likened to flotsam and jetsam! And just remember Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin!
And at last todays word has arrived!
defalcate \di-FAL-keyt\, verb:
to steal or misuse money or property entrusted to one's care
So do not defalcate, and hug a tree!
victuals \VIT-uhlz\, noun:
food or provisions, esp. for humans
A fine word and I just need to 'revictualise' myself!