Word of the Day for Monday, October 20, 2008
malfeasance \mal-FEE-zuhn(t)s\, noun:
Wrongdoing, misconduct, or misbehavior, especially by a public official.
PERSISTENT STATE OF ONGOING RECOVERY this is the story of construction of a life that was and is beautiful. I am because I think I think because I can Life's Good Thank God for what I do have and not for what I do not!
bailiwick \BAY-luh-wik\, noun:
1. A person's specific area of knowledge, authority, interest, skill, or work.
2. The office or district of a bailiff.
Well Sheriff Jon Brown always hated him, for what he did not know
And they say they want to bring him in guilty - more work for the Bailiff - so they shot him down, Bang ,Bang. Who 's your Daddy and do you need a bailiff?
expeditious \ek-spuh-DISH-uhs\, adjective:
Characterized by or acting with speed and efficiency.
It feels neither speedy or efficient when your 'G-Spot' I mean F-Spot is not working so good!
There is a heck of a party in our 'Newlands Valley', Bryan Adams got his 1st real six string....23:20
expeditious \ek-spuh-DISH-uhs\, adjective:
Characterized by or acting with speed and efficiency.
Two is better than one and the hand on the bird that flies is a fine way to catch it!
otiose \OH-shee-ohs; OH-tee-\, adjective:
1. Ineffective; futile.
2. Being at leisure; lazy; indolent; idle.
3. Of no use.
Through my otiose behavior, this word is three days late! Oh-Lord!
Also there are no photographs...theses will follow today.
misprize \mis-PRYZ\, transitive verb:
1. To hold in contempt.
2. To undervalue.
I misprize my contempt for working, particularly when it is market day!
sobriquet \SO-brih-kay; -ket; so-brih-KAY; -KET\, noun:
A nickname; an assumed name; an epithet.
This is far too mysterious for me.
Ha ha haha ha! I'll be back, Baby!
Zac is a strange dog that lives in a kennel in the great outdoors, outback of Australia.
legerdemain \lej-ur-duh-MAIN\, noun:
1. Sleight of hand.
2. A display of skill, trickery, or artful deception.
aficionado \uh-fish-ee-uh-NAH-doh\, noun:
An enthusiastic admirer; a fan.
circumlocution \sir-kuhm-loh-KYOO-shuhn\, noun:
The use of many words to express an idea that might be expressed by few; indirect or roundabout language.
22:16 Late as per usual - Had a great night at the connect group - love and strength sent to the EC!
implacable \im-PLAK-uh-bull\, adjective:
Not placable; not to be appeased; incapable of being pacified; inexorable; as, an implacable foe....
officious \uh-FISH-uhs\, adjective:
Marked by excessive eagerness in offering services or advice where they are neither requested nor needed; meddlesome.
volte-face \vawlt-FAHS; vawl-tuh-\, noun:
An about-face; a reversal, as in policy or opinion.
18:23 Fortunate to be on the pinnacle of getting a new Digital Camera!
It is my humble opinion, that I should be abed; so without firther ado (about nothing!) I am out of here! To wit to woo!
littoral \LIH-tuh-rul\, adjective:
1. Of, relating to, or on a coastal or shore region, especially a seashore.
2. A coastal region, especially the zone between the limits of high and low tides.
Life's Good - just stay on the right side of the law!
donnybrook \DON-ee-brook\, noun:
1. A brawl; a free-for-all.
2. A heated quarrel or dispute.
Maybe it is not actually a catfight 0 I just had to add something quickly.