PERSISTENT STATE OF ONGOING RECOVERY this is the story of construction of a life that was and is beautiful. I am because I think I think because I can Life's Good Thank God for what I do have and not for what I do not!
For the Grace of God
Monday, July 21, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
My name is shady....
My first and last entry for today 22:45 is the time
Big plans tomorrow - early start as I am assisting a house build!Habitat for Humanity and all!
Word of the Day for Friday, July 18, 2008
tatterdemalion \tat-uhr-dih-MAYL-yuhn; -MAY-lee-uhn\, noun:
1. A person dressed in tattered or ragged clothing; a ragamuffin.
2. Tattered; ragged.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Word of the Day for Thursday, July 17, 2008
anodyne \AN-uh-dyn\, adjective:
1. Serving to relieve pain; soothing.
2. Not likely to offend; bland; innocuous.
3. A medicine that relieves pain.
4. Anything that calms, comforts, or soothes disturbed feelings.
Testing testing tetsing
Ha, fooled you with the tetsing, maybe it wasa tsetse fly that flew away!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Amazing after all this usage of bandwidth...
...I am still able to attach to my blog. The mind boggles and Boetanza wobbles!
Word of the Day for Tuesday, July 15, 2008
fiduciary \fih-DOO-shee-air-ee\, adjective:
1. Relating to the holding of something in trust for another.
2. Someone who stands in a special relation of trust, confidence, or responsibility in certain obligations to others; a trustee.
Amazing after all thius usage of bandwidth...
Word of the Day for Tuesday, July 15, 2008
fiduciary \fih-DOO-shee-air-ee\, adjective:
1. Relating to the holding of something in trust for another.
2. Someone who stands in a special relation of trust, confidence, or responsibility in certain obligations to others; a trustee.
Amazing after all thius usage of bandwidth...
Word of the Day for Tuesday, July 15, 2008
fiduciary \fih-DOO-shee-air-ee\, adjective:
1. Relating to the holding of something in trust for another.
2. Someone who stands in a special relation of trust, confidence, or responsibility in certain obligations to others; a trustee.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Och ais; as the day breaks...
Word of the Day for Saturday, July 12, 2008
puerile \PYOO-uhr-uhl; PYOOR-uhl\, adjective:\
Displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity; juvenile; childish.
I know that I have something important to do - oh yeah - book a flight to see my love!
And also reschedule my appointment with chiropractor-y!
Ach, how in-puerile my senses are!
22:18 back as always (not) and bad as ever!
This colour text might not be as useful as I thought - I press on...
Good on black, however, hopeless on the input background of white
It is of course, another hassle that disturbs my presence and it is most iniquitous.
Like I said at TBIchat, I am Normal!
Back in a while!....
23:00 Green is good; "like a dog that begs...Hello"
Oh the Doors is great music; yes I am multitasking - of sorts.
"Girl we couldn't get much higher... Come on Baby light my fire"
NOW I CANNOT GET A PICTURE TO PUBLISH AS MY BROTHER IS NOT PLAYING THE GAME - however you cannot have your cake and eat it.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Hey Ho
Communication fails between the Valley and Cape Town, oh me oh my, what a las!
I am all funked out and feel not like posting anything to my website - it is too much of a muchness....
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
I entrust this to you...
Word of the Day for Tuesday, July 8, 2008
troglodyte \TROG-luh-dyt\, noun:
1. A member of a primitive people that lived in caves, dens, or holes; a cave dweller.
2. One who is regarded as reclusive, reactionary, out of date, or brutish.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
It is a wet and wintery...
It would just not be cricket if I did not say this!
Also, Basta La Pasta!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
as I battle with frustration after frustration as my Puter genius Brother insists that I do not need MS Windows or any thing except Linux - a fantastic OS if you 1. are clued up in it and 2. If you are pacified by not having the detrimental effects of a TBI.
Away, away, away with linux and all its frustrations!
Long Live Windows
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Late in the evening...
23:30 and I must away
See you all later
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Word of the Day for Tuesday, July 1, 2008
condign \kuhn-DINE; KON-dine\, adjective:
Suitable to the fault or crime; deserved; adequate.