PERSISTENT STATE OF ONGOING RECOVERY this is the story of construction of a life that was and is beautiful. I am because I think I think because I can Life's Good Thank God for what I do have and not for what I do not!
For the Grace of God
Friday, January 25, 2008
freddie the leaf
even the greatest oak tree was once a small nut - perseverance and determination gave us an oak.
My website is not as yet growing , however i press on...
bye for now
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
When the bell tolls...
...a great book , I think !
I am in such a state of angst , Adelle has inspired me to be more real on line so that I can give more of the real me . THIS BLOG IS NOT GOING TO CONTINUE . I have greater things to do , places to go , people to meet....
The list goes on so without further ado , an ending to the blog that started with good intention...
upbraid \uhp-BRAYD\, transitive verb:
To scold or criticize harshly.
I should have taken the upbraiding of Boetanza more seriously and more to heart.
I sometimes think too much and want too much , more than the Million bicycles in Beijing , thanks Katie Mehlua .
Monday, January 14, 2008
So where was I , Oh yes , Home alone after not being motivated to do some swim Gym At Virgin - well I am not so my serotonin will be home gymmed.
I guess I am not a Virgin - how does one know ?
Sunday, January 13, 2008
am I good or what
Good for nothing , fast asleep (not) and I do not even wear Prada!
supplicate \SUP-luh-kayt\, intransitive verb:
1. To make a humble and earnest petition; to pray humbly.
2. To seek or ask for humbly and earnestly.
3. To make a humble petition to; to beseech.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
Oh woe is me... is no good going to bed before I get up , or rather getting up before I have gone to bed !
Although this is yesterdays word , it is quite appropriate !
remonstrate \rih-MAHN-strayt; REH-mun-strayt\, intransitive verb:
1. To present and urge reasons in opposition to an act, measure, or any course of proceedings -- usually used with 'with'.
2. To say or plead in protest, opposition, or reproof.
Nudge , nudge , wink , wink , say no more.
Night all
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Missed the dreaded midnight hour
Not true , of course , however I am still up
I should be wenting to bed so good night all.
Now I am ponderiong what the heck I was gonna wright . Oh me oh my - having a terrifying short term memory is terrible - I was looking for some Leo Buscaglia work earlier - man he is great.
Hasta la vista
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
sheesh kebab...after a tough and late...
The bad side is that it is now very late , like 00:16 , and i am now off to bed.
Fortune favours the brave , or so they say.
Night all
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Hello my flock
Life is lekker kaktus.
My brain is so tired of all the kaktus that I get dished up that ek strip nou my moer an gaan nou-nou bed toe
How bizarre , I have neglegted to remember my word for today and am so gatvol op die oomblik that I am just going to plutz
Night all
and do not be alarmed
my depression is merely self flagelation
God I an good at that.
bye now
Saturday, January 5, 2008
This fantastic hypersensitive and cooperative linux puter system had done ir again - flunked my brain out and I cannot even see and record in the wonderfull open=office the moviess that i would likt to send to Boetanza
Oi Vey
bye for now and thanks for the fish.
lacuna \luh-KYOO-nuh\, noun;
plural lacunae \luh-KYOO-nee\ or lacunas::
1. A blank space; a missing part; a gap.
2. (Biology) A small opening, depression, or cavity in an anatomical structure.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Hello. I am Back And I Am Bad!
I have had an amazing holiday with Belinda in The Valley, about an hours drive out of PE.
More will follow todays word
arcanum \ar-KAY-nuhm\, noun;
plural arcana \-nuh\:
1. A secret; a mystery.
2. Specialized or mysterious knowledge, language, or information that is not accessible to the average person (generally used in the plural).