What a marvelous night for a MOONDANCE!
My 'Boetie Makhulu', sister and three nephews will be departing from the house in the bright AM. Returning to the megacity of Johannesburg and their burglarized home.
Ag man, dis lekker in die nuwe Suid Afrika!
Ndifuna ukuthetha isiXhosa ngoku. Ngenene!
Je voule parler Francais maintenent.
Met eish - ne.
Right, now pulling myself towards myself, this entry shall be completed.
Live Long and Prospur!
PERSISTENT STATE OF ONGOING RECOVERY this is the story of construction of a life that was and is beautiful. I am because I think I think because I can Life's Good Thank God for what I do have and not for what I do not!
For the Grace of God
Father, thank You for making me alive in Christ! I declare that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour, and because He died for me, I can live the abundant life here on earth. Help me stay focused on You this day & live with the enthusiasm that comes from knowing You in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Friday, June 29 2007, 23:54

Here are some shots for today and a short piece of quirky prose!
Tonight is as tranquil as a snowball down a deep shaft of an unknown mine, who knows where :)
Peace be with all and goodness and mercy shall surely follow.
Now, just prior to tbichatting, i shall upload and re-mail myself some photo's before i post them - all a rather tedious affair. Be back later.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Thursday, 28 June 07, 22:50

Here comes another one.....
Trev thinks I sit on my fat ass too much and am molly-coddled!
Well, is that supposed to be motivating?
Is that supposed to make me feel good?
Do I feel better? Am I inspired?
Should I be reaching new heights?
Oh, they are so 'Wuthering'!
Now that that is off my chest, lets find a photo for today, as I do not feel to inspired to prose some art!
We had a wonderful meal at Humilheights.
Great company with much ado about nothing.
I am inspired by my Boetiepakhathis' thoughts - well impressed - idiotic?
Is there meaning in his meanderings about my position?
Perhaps I am too defeatist and not furthering my cause.
Oh Me Oh My.............
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Tuesday, June 26 2007, 22:55

Here are some fine pictures of my fantastic Master of Windows brother and my nephew. Come on VISTA!
We had a marvelous dinner this evening. Pizza, wine and fantastic family.
Basta la Pasta!
More writing of fantastic prose shall follow when my brain changes voltage and moves into a more uplifted way of thinking.
I always have an excuse, says my Puter genius.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Monday, June 25 2007, 06:32
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Sunday, June 24 2007, 17:45
Howdy Parteners!
You know and all, it is a lovely time to add to my blog with some of my fantastical prose.
'Oh you fartled gruntbag!'
Oops, that sounds like The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast Of Traal - if you know what I mean.
Moving right along...I shall, indeed, ask the question "What is the meaning of Life?"
That is, indeed, the question! 'Whether 'tis nobler to bear the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune; or, by opposing, end them?"
Tsk Tsk. I ain't a poet! Where do you go to my lovely, when you're alone in your bed? Tell me the thoughts that surround you, I want to get inside your head!
Moving right along, I shall go off and feed on a fartled gruntbag!
I will be back later.
You know and all, it is a lovely time to add to my blog with some of my fantastical prose.
'Oh you fartled gruntbag!'
Oops, that sounds like The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast Of Traal - if you know what I mean.
Moving right along...I shall, indeed, ask the question "What is the meaning of Life?"
That is, indeed, the question! 'Whether 'tis nobler to bear the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune; or, by opposing, end them?"
Tsk Tsk. I ain't a poet! Where do you go to my lovely, when you're alone in your bed? Tell me the thoughts that surround you, I want to get inside your head!
Moving right along, I shall go off and feed on a fartled gruntbag!
I will be back later.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Saturday, 23 June 2007, 12:00
I am a Polar Bear!
Was in the water at Clifton 4th Beach, for approximately 30 minutes.
Amongst others who were brave enough (or foolish enough) to brave the cold water were in no particular order Bill & Jan,Sal & Martin, Trevor, Janet, The Duke meister & Helena & 2 sproggs, Warren and so many more that temporarily elude my mind.
It was a great event and thoroughly enjoyed.
I shall be back!!!
21:37 Et Tu Brute?
Yes, can you believe it? Well I am no feeble old possum - I am good for the challenge.
Just been chatting and have received good grounding in the ability that I have to lose some weight. Also going to bed early, so poste haste, I shall finish this entry and be bed bound.
Old Friends - sit on the park bench.... from a Simon & Garfunkel song.
I have of course forgotten what else i was going to scribe here, so I shall just be off to dreamland. I shall, indeed, be back tomorrow.
Was in the water at Clifton 4th Beach, for approximately 30 minutes.
Amongst others who were brave enough (or foolish enough) to brave the cold water were in no particular order Bill & Jan,Sal & Martin, Trevor, Janet, The Duke meister & Helena & 2 sproggs, Warren and so many more that temporarily elude my mind.
It was a great event and thoroughly enjoyed.
I shall be back!!!
21:37 Et Tu Brute?
Yes, can you believe it? Well I am no feeble old possum - I am good for the challenge.
Just been chatting and have received good grounding in the ability that I have to lose some weight. Also going to bed early, so poste haste, I shall finish this entry and be bed bound.
Old Friends - sit on the park bench.... from a Simon & Garfunkel song.
I have of course forgotten what else i was going to scribe here, so I shall just be off to dreamland. I shall, indeed, be back tomorrow.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Friday, June 22 2007, 21:42
Och hello then you lot! It is late in the evening and I am about to retire. The Big Cold Swim is on tomorrow morning and as cold as the water is, I had best get lots of sleep.
Us Polar Bears are not affeared of the chilly water - and you can't touch me!
I do, however, need a good nights rest so am off to bed soon as I have posted this hyper-allergenic (?) article.
OK, it is not hyper-allergenic - I just wanted to use the phrase. I am on a mission to increase my word-power and type more interesting and creative entries on this BLOG.
It's late in the evening, I really blew that crowd away.....
Till after the COLD SWIM
May the road come up and meet your face
Us Polar Bears are not affeared of the chilly water - and you can't touch me!
I do, however, need a good nights rest so am off to bed soon as I have posted this hyper-allergenic (?) article.
OK, it is not hyper-allergenic - I just wanted to use the phrase. I am on a mission to increase my word-power and type more interesting and creative entries on this BLOG.
It's late in the evening, I really blew that crowd away.....
Till after the COLD SWIM
May the road come up and meet your face
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Thursday, 21 June 2007, 22:30
Great Balls of Thundering Typhoons!
I am making this a text entry at the moment as I am not going to spend time looking for a good photo to publish.
I have a bit of a head cold and I do not feel 'up to it!'
Blistering Barnacles! It is indeed, up to me to put my foot down and get my puter re-Windowed.
It is through the apathy of others that things remain the same.
I refuse to lie down and will, indeed, awaken the 'Bete Noir'
Just remember you guys, let's be careful out there.
Be alert (your country needs lerts)
Well wuth all my multi-tasking, it is now 23:00 and I am off to bed.
C u all later
I am making this a text entry at the moment as I am not going to spend time looking for a good photo to publish.
I have a bit of a head cold and I do not feel 'up to it!'
Blistering Barnacles! It is indeed, up to me to put my foot down and get my puter re-Windowed.
It is through the apathy of others that things remain the same.
I refuse to lie down and will, indeed, awaken the 'Bete Noir'
Just remember you guys, let's be careful out there.
Be alert (your country needs lerts)
Well wuth all my multi-tasking, it is now 23:00 and I am off to bed.
C u all later
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Tue, 19 Jun 07, 10:50
This is becoming tedious, however I shall press on...
I have had a fantastic day 2 day!.
I visited my Granny @ Evergreen, chatted with one of her caregivers, went to visit my Gran. B4 this happened I had lunch with my Dad at Mug & Bean, Cavendish Square.
What a tough day in Africa. Saw my Aunt Lushy at Granny Beryl's.
I shall be back....
I have had a fantastic day 2 day!.
I visited my Granny @ Evergreen, chatted with one of her caregivers, went to visit my Gran. B4 this happened I had lunch with my Dad at Mug & Bean, Cavendish Square.
What a tough day in Africa. Saw my Aunt Lushy at Granny Beryl's.
I shall be back....
Tue, 19 Jun 07, 10:50

Good day to you all.
This is a particularly important posting as I am sharing this with fellow chatters.
a big thank you (TY) to chitlens for his guidance last night to tbihome
alien, reble, rjb, rusty - fellow chatters this AM (my time)
Life's Good
This blog has, indeed, provided me with much upliftment and great, well filled time.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Monday. 18 Junw 2007, 08:50
I am having a serious brain-fart I cannot get google to do my pictures for this posting
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Sun,17 Jun 07, 22:00
I am back with a vengeance and have, indeed, researched the word 'happenstance'. A random event combining the two words 'happening' and 'circumstance'
Alls good in the land of alien's, derhalwe, alles is net n bietjie versmoor. Boetanza, kom partytjie toe, asseblief. Am I so heavy that you cannot abide my meandering mind?
Oh, pictures let's go find some
Alls good in the land of alien's, derhalwe, alles is net n bietjie versmoor. Boetanza, kom partytjie toe, asseblief. Am I so heavy that you cannot abide my meandering mind?
Oh, pictures let's go find some
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Fri, 15 June 2007, late

Here are some historical shots from Thursday.
Life is too short to wonder where all the time flies too - sit back and enjoy the ride.
A long time ago, many, many years back...
That line needed to be added, and for what reason I am not too sure. It just felt right!
I do believe that I have a few arbitrary pics which will be added in this post - for happenstance sake (?)
A song comes to mind, oops, lost it. Not my mind, the song.
I still am waiting, in vain as it were, for Microsoft Vista.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Thu, 14 Jun 07, 22:00
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Wed, 13 Jun 07, 23:00
Here sre todays shots.
My brand new and ready for action mouth-guard.
Sweet, ain't it?
My brand new and ready for action mouth-guard.
Sweet, ain't it?
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Tue, 12 June 2007, 17:40
Just had an ethereal and exponentially beautiful lunch with Amy @ the Vineyard Hotel.
It was a completely real and awesome experience; one that will be remembered always.
I AM BACK WITH A VENGEANCE - always a child of africa - AS JULUKA SINGS
I have had enough of linux and as well intentioned as my brother is, enough is enough. It has been a great bit of learning I have been put through; however, enough is enough! Come back Windows, Vista, or whateva?
It was a completely real and awesome experience; one that will be remembered always.
I AM BACK WITH A VENGEANCE - always a child of africa - AS JULUKA SINGS
I have had enough of linux and as well intentioned as my brother is, enough is enough. It has been a great bit of learning I have been put through; however, enough is enough! Come back Windows, Vista, or whateva?
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Sun, June 10, 2007
Friday, June 8, 2007
Fri, 8 Jun 07, 22:01

What a super day it has been in Cape Town. Started off with a visit of expiditious service at the K'bosch Research Centre with CREW. an immense amount of water has, indeed, fallen on Cape Town today; and with good emphasis and to good advantage of all the greenery and plant life.
My nerve rather than my ability disadvantaged me slightly as I do not have an up to date photo to poste; I shall refer back in my journey and publish the fantastic shot of Theresa, taken at Louis and Theresa's home in Constantia. A fantastic evening was had; fine food, company and fantastic beverage.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Wednesday, 6 June 07, 22:30
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Tue, 5 June 2007, 22:55
Monday, June 4, 2007
Monday, 4 June 2007, 22:11

Hello and all those inconsequential other things. The word today is 'perfunctory' - to perform mechanically; routinely. The picture today is two moths performing their conjugal rights; procreation is, indeed, an abundant way to enjoy life; and to show this on my blog is quite extravagant, unnessaccary (spelling is not my forte) and impractical. Like joining two parallel lines.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Sunday, 3 June 2007, 23:10

Hello and all those good salutations for today. I am, indeed, trying to add more text to my website so I shall just do so now.
It is simply marvelous to have all this technology at hand and conveniently located so that I can expand on the mundane and ordinary postings that have started my blog.
Of special interest is todays word, which is 'discomfit' - to make uneasy or perplexed.
Now to grab a picture, which might be slightly historic, and although I have selected already, it slips my present mind at the moment! Aha, it is, indeed, a picture of a tall ship from Anne & Paddy's place. Ok, it is not quite a tall ship and I leave it in your hands to identify - drop me a line if you do so.
Sat, June 02, 2007, 06:00
Friday, June 1, 2007
Fri, 01 June 2007, 22:05

Good day. Here is a quaint shot of some kind of plant. A fantastic melding together of my picture taking and my 'botany' skill.
This was taken at the accommodation of a very dear friend of mine, Skye. We had an absolutely marvelous time out in Bellville, a superb meal and , of course, great company :)
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